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Noah wakes up at dawn with tears streaming down his face. He makes sure he doesn't sob too hard or else it'll wake Rose up. He takes a light shower and packs his bag. He feels awful for what he's about to do. Trails of regrets still fil his mind.

He stares at his girlfriend as she's still sleeping,
memorizing every detail of her face because it was the last time he'd ever see it. He doesn't know when they'll meet again. He wants to carve every memory he has with Rose. He admires every feature of Rose's beautiful face. Her soft doe eyes, her dimples and how perfectly sturctured her face is.

He wants to remember all the snarky remarks
Rose has ever made to him from the first day they met. He wants to remember Rose's shyness and how she would blush, and how her laugh sounds like that never fails to send butterflies to his stomach. He wants to remember how the latter's tiny frame fits perfectly in his and the warmth he always feels whenever they interlock their hands. The way her soft rosy lips felt against his. He wants to remember every moment, every bit of it.

Noah places his last letter on the nightstand.
Before leaving, he caresses Rose's cheeks gently, ensuring she doesn't wake up. With one last look, Noah plants a lasting and gentle kiss on Rose's lips, Tears are spilling from the corners of his eyes.
He pulls away to admire his girlfriend's features before leaving for the door.

Rose wakes up to the blinding sunlight that seam through the blinds in her room. He stretches his arms, unconsiously feeling sunken. She turns to her side, only to find the space beside her empty and cold. "Noah?"

She hops out from her bed, rubbing her tired eyes as she makes her way to the living room, hoping to see Noah just watching TV or cooking something at the kitchen. But, it was empty. The kitchen, living room, the spare bedroom, bathroom, everything. It's empty.

"Noah? Rose calls out for his boyfriend, again, sounding panic.

She runs back to her room and grabs her phone. She immediately dials Noah's phone number but to no avail. Rose falls onto her knees, tears streaming down her face and she calls the latter what felt like a million times but to no answer. Rose's breathing became irregular, she's suffocating as she panics to where Noah was and why he isn't picking up his calls.

"Noah? Noah!" Rose shouts every second, checking every room countless times with the hopeless thought that maybe Noah was hiding and pranking her but it was utter silence.

Rose is still holding her phone, her hands tremble and her whole being is shaking. Her face is stained with tears. She lies down on his bed, curling herself up in despair. She then finally spots a folded paper on her night stand and instantly grabs it.


Good morning angel,

Did you sleep well? I hope you did.

I'm sory for disappearing like that, l'm sorry if l scared you for doing so.

Rosie, there's something I have to tell you that I have been meaning to tell you but didn't.

I was so scared to tell you because I didn't want to ruin the moment, but without realising,

I ruined us.

Rosie, I'm about to be engaged to Lia. It was an arranged marriage for business purposes,

so I'm going back to Canada

But, you won't find me there, because l'll be flying to America.

I won't be at school anymore, I transferred.

It hurts to write all of this but what hurts the most is finding out that the change happened.

Rosie, we're no longer soulmates.

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