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Even after all these three years, Rose hasn't experienced the 'switch' so she's pretty convinced that she'll live with her future cats and die alone.

Rose graduated top in her class two years ago and now she's studying Economics in New york University (NYU). She still works at the bakery because Aiden has been giving her a raise and persuading to not leave since She attracted a lot of customers. There isn't a day at work where someone wasnt flirting with Her.

The thought of it causes her to laugh, as she remembers reaction every time someone did flirt with her.

It's been three years since Noah left her and has never contacted her. Rose's hope in Noah
returning to her became slimmer, the only thing keeping Noah alive in her mind was the bracelet she never took off.

Rose's phone rings and the caller ID shows Liam.

"Hey!" She greets.

"Are we all still hanging out tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah, at Lexi's."

"Alright. See you!"


The sound of the someone entering the bakery rings in the girl's ears. She's been receiving so many customers but thank God there were part timers just like her, so she doesn't have to be at the bakery every day. She still has piles of assignments to complete.

"Welcome to-" Rose words stop abruptly as she looks up at the entrance to be met with a tall handsome man, wearing black leather pants, Dr Martin boots and an oversize Tshirt that went well with his lanky figure. His jet black hair combed ever so neatly. The look of it was ever too familiar.

The two exchange stares, the tall man's eyes widen, as if it's about to buldge out. Rose's mouth left slightly hanging, unable to process the man in front of her.

"Rosie." Noah calls out.

"Noah-" Rose watches as a woman wraps her hand around Noah's arms. Noah was still looking at Rose but Rose was looking at the girl who she's now exchanging stares. Lia smiles faintly at Rose and then pulls Noah's arm to catch his attention. When he does, they move to the table at the corner.

"Rose?" Chloe, a part timer calls out.

"Oh, Chloe, something's wrong?" Rose asks.

"I should be asking you that." Chloe eyes to the couple that just got in.

"Ah, they're friends of mine. We haven't seen in years."

"It didn't look like that." Chloe raises an eyebrow.

Rose scoffs. "Get back to work"

Chloe pouts but does what she's told.

As Rose wiping the cups at the counter, Noah comes over.


"You shouldn't be calling me that. Your fiancee's over there." Rose says, not looking at the latter.

"Please look at me."

Rose ignores the older's request. When she saw
Noah walk through those doors, her emotions
suddenly jumbled up. She was angry and the heart break came back. Whenever she glances over the latter's table, only to see him smiling at Lia, it hurted her.

But she knew she doesn't have the right to do so. They're soulmates, her and Noah no longer are.

Noah sighs as Rose doesn't comply. "It's nice to
see you again. How are you?" he asks.

"Fine. You look happy." Rose says with a tint of
bitterness in her voice.

"Does it look like it?"

Rose doesn't answer.

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