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The next day, Noah woke up, gloomy as ever. At this point, he was beyond a mess. For the past few days, he's been locking himself up in his room, he does go out for school, to the Cafe and to eat dinner, but he doesn't socialize much with Cole who's literally living with him. And he feels like he's been pushing Rose away.

Whenever the younger would ask, Noah would only kiss her forehead and tell her that he's alright. He went to the mall to buy some new clothes, at the same time, he walks past stall by stall, just admiring what they were selling. He's reminscing the first time he went out with Rose. They weren't together during the time.

After buying a few clothes and going back to his apartment, he packs a few clothes into his backpack, not too much so that it doesn't look bulky. After ignoring his parents' calls for days, he finally answers them just to listen to them reminding him that they're leaving tomorrow.

He checks his watch, currently 3pm. He cleans his room a bit and then settles into his study table. He rips out a piece of paper, instead of writing to Rose, he writes to Cole. Cole isn't in their apartment right now, and he'lI probably be back around night. Noah would be gone by then.

Noah didn't tell anyone about him going to America so he pours out his feelings and tells everything to Cole in the piece of paper, including about Rose. He folds the letter and leaves it under his pillow, hoping Cole finds it if he rummages his room later on.

Noah leaves the apartment. After locking the
apartment, he slids the key underneath the door, just enough for it to fit. He walks to the bus station and goes to the only place he could think of.

Rose was reading a novel in his room. She didn't have anything to do and Blake was staying over his friend's so she's all alone. Her phone chimes and she taps open a message from Noah. Just seeing her boyfriends name on the screen makes her heart flutter.

Are you at your house?


Open the door.

Rose ran towards the door and opens it, revealing a handsome boy with dark bags under his eyes and a faint smile plastered. Rose didnt need to think twice to do what she did next. She instantly wrapped her arms around Noah's neck, pulling him into a hug. Noah hugs her back, sliding his hands onto the younger's waist, tightening the hug every second. Rose snuggled into the crook of the older's neck and Noah strokes the latter's hair. He didn't want to let go of her, he just wanted them both to stay like that.

Rose slowly pulls away and so does Noah.
Noah then cups Rose's cheeks, admiring every detail of her face.



"Can I stay here for the night?" Noah asked.

Rose smiles, showing the dimples Noah loves and nods. "Of course" Rose bringed Noah into her apartment.

"You look tired. Do you want to take a bath first?" Rose offered.

"That'll be great. Thank you" Noah makes his way to the bathroom, but not before planting a kiss on Rose's head.

Once Noah got out from the shower, the smell of food greets him and he sees Rose preparing plates on the dining table. He walks over to her and hugs her from behind, surprising the latter. Noah rested his head on the younger's shoulder as he watches her prepare the final touches of the meal.

"Youre being extra clingy today." Rose chuckled.

'If only you knew why' Noah thought.

"I love you."  He said.

Rose turns her head to see Noah, their faces only inches apart. She then kisses her boyfriend's lips, earning smiles from both of them.

Noah helps Rose set the meals on the table and then the both of them sit to eat. Noah lightens the mood with his stories and jokes and so does Rose.

Noah is doing anything to make up for pushing
Rose away these past few days. Rose always has interesting stories to tell, from her childhood memories to her new experiences. Sometimes she brings up about Liam, but it didn't bother the two anymore, because they're really in love and the trust they have for each other couldnt compare.

But, that trust is slowly breaking.

As night comes, the two settle in for bed. Rose just got out from the shower, wearing black shorts and an oversized white shirt. Noah cooes at the view of the younger. He pulls her onto the bed, which shocks the younger. He doesn't plan to do anything tho.

Ross giggles and snuggles into Noah's chest, while feeling Noah's arms wrap around him. Noah spots the bear plushie he won for Rose at the amusement park.

"You actually kept that?" Noah asks, pointing to the bear.

"Of course, I do. It reminds me of you. My teddy bear." Noah chuckles at his girlfriend's cuteness.

"You must be very tired." Rose mumbles.

"Very" The older replies. "But, you by my side is all need."

Noah holds his girlfriend in his arms, he loved how well the Rose's frame fits perfectly with his. He loved how their hands intertwining feels like it's meant to be. He still feels Rose as his soulmate when deep down he knew she no longer is.

"Rosie" Noah calls out, shuffling to grab something from his bag.

"Hm?" Rose sits up on his bed, along with Noah.

Noah then takes out a box that had a tiny bow on it and gives it to Rose with the brightest smile on his face.

"For you."

Rose takes the box from him and opens it, only to be greeted by a bracelet that she was admiring the first day he went out with Noah at the mall. She takes out the bracelet with the locket as a pendent and admires the words 'Eternally' carved on it.

"Ta da!" Noah exclaims, showing off his wrist that had the bracelet's pair, with a key as a pendent, carved with the words 'Yours'. Noah takes the bracelet from the latter and puts it on for her.

Rose was beyond speechless but was happy. Extremely happy.

"Rosie?" Noah asked. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. I'm just speechless. You remembered about the bracelet."

"I've wanted to buy it since the moment you saw it"
Noah smiles.

The two of them went back to cuddling in the bed, in the same position as before, the only difference is the two holding hands. Hand in hand, with the bracelets they're wearing.



"I'm eternally yours"

"And I belong to you" Rosw giggles as she snuggles into Noah's chest.

Rose starts to sing softly. Her honey like voice filling the bedroom.

Rose slurs the last lyrics and automatically drifts to sleep, still snuggled into Noah's chest. Noah holds himself from crying, listening to the song Rose just sang, he's mixed with emotions. Guilt, anger, sadness, most importantly, heart break. He strokes the younger's head, as he feels the rise and down of his chest matching the rhythm of his girlfriend's breathing. Everything seems perfect at that moment.

But Noah's left with another few hours.

Ok so I just planned on changing the tense as it was past before but now i will right it present coz that's more easier you know?

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