Chapter 2

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A/N - earlier than expected but here <3

I hope you all find Marco as hot as I do✌🏾




Defined as the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself and a quality I displayed both internally and externally on a daily basis with ease.

I liked being calm, and I liked being in control.

Harm could be brought to me and I'd remain the same, harm came to my brothers? I'd bring a fucking war.

Pardon my French.

The second I answered Elijah's phone call I knew something was wrong, I wasn't stupid.

Someone broke into my house and laid their hands on my brothers?

I couldn't help but crack a smile as I pulled up at home; people were gonna die today. One hand on my waistband and another already on the trigger of another gun, I entered and made a move straight to Elijah's bedroom, stiffening at the sight before me.

Elijah's left eye was swollen shut, lip bleeding, purple bruise under his eye- Ezekiel seemed unharmed, physically anyway, he was frozen in place and had his gaze fixed on the floor.

"It's not as bad as it looks", he spoke before I could and I raised an eyebrow, "honest". I felt a presence beside me and cocked my head to the side, watching as Zane narrowed his eyes at my brothers.

"Ezekiel", I entered the room and gazed down at his frozen state, he made eye contact with me and swallowed, "breathe".

Watching him was like watching a younger version of myself - the version of me who was scared to stand up for himself, who let people walk all over him, who didn't talk. I'm still working on the latter. I watched as he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, his curled up fists beginning to loosen and his posture relax; Elijah rose from their sitting position on the floor and approached me.

"Where the fuck were you?", he gritted out and I blinked, he knew better than to speak that way around me, "I get that that man is wreaking havoc on them, and I know Izzy's priority - but we're your brothers Marco, I just had to fend off the dick while making sure he was okay, not cool". He stepped past me and left the room, best to let him cool down before I spoke with him.

"The guards", I turned back to my youngest brother who wrung his fingers together, "breathe".

"They weren't here", his voice came out just above a whisper, "I don't know why, but nobody was here". My blood was boiling just looking at the state they'd left him in, I cracked my neck and turned to my cousin in the doorway.

"Take them to yours", I ordered, "I've got things to do".

Did that sound harsh? Of course it did, I had no time for pleasantries. I couldn't be around them when I was this angry and they knew it, they could read me better than I could read myself.

"On your own?", Zane asked, I simply hummed, "do what you need to do- Ezekiel". I watched as my brother sent me a weak smile and nod, rising to his feet and following Zane out of the room as they went to get Elijah. Silence filled the air and I tipped my head back with a content smile...composure.


I'd be lying if I told you I knew how to go about a conversation with my two youngest cousins who had just had their house broken into. I think the generic 'are you okay?' was a stupid question, and to be honest I didn't have anything better than that.

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