Chapter 6

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A/N - hehehe look who's back <3

Thank you for 1k reads already❤️ and 38k on Isabella wtaf

TW: This chapter (Marco's POV specifically) contains scenes some may find upsetting.



"I've never met someone so strange, so bored, so-".

"Are you done?", Esme snapped, "damn Gav, I've never met someone who complains so much about random shit".

"Random shit?", Gavin leaned forwards and placed his guitar down beside him delicately, "you call throwing seven guitar picks at my face random shit?".

"That's exactly what I call it", she uncrossed her legs and clambered off of my bed, "not my fault you're a crybaby".

"Oh yeah because that's what the problem is", he ran a hand through his golden hair, distressing his middle parting, "not because you piss me off 24/7".

"You love me Gavin, admit it", she teased, ruffling his hair which made him groan.

"Shut up Es", he muttered, "help me here Izzy".

"You two are something else", I laughed, "my prime source of entertainment".

"Glad to be of assistance", he frowned, "me being bullied brings entertainment apparently".

"Oh fuck off", Esme laughed, "I'm displaying my gratitude for you being my friend Gav".

"Yeah yeah", he waved her off, "my soccer game, are you two coming?". Was Zane gonna allow that?

"We'll be there", what the hell possessed me to say that?, "won't we Es?".

"Sweaty, competitive guys kicking a ball?", she raised an eyebrow and Gavin rolled his eyes, "will there be food?".

"Glad to know that's more important to you than my passion", he grumbled.

"I'm kidding Gav", she chuckled, "course we'll fucking be there, your favourite cheerleaders". She wasn't lying, whenever we attended one of Gavin's football matches (or soccer as I was forced to call it here), we were a little....loud to say the least.

And fierce, Esme threw a chip at Gray once because he wasn't cheering loud enough, anything to show her support for Gavin. I told them that I believed they were platonic soulmates, considering Esme didn't feel any romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone and Gavin was...well he was Gavin, I always stated that they were meant to have met platonically. And neither of them argued against it.

"I'm hungry", Esme announced, peering down at Gio in his enclosure, "do you think he gets bored of those vegetables?".

"He loves those vegetables", I replied, "come on, I think Scott's done cooking".

"Scott's cooked? Fuck I love this house", so did I when I wasn't living in fucking fear.

"You love any house that isn't yours", Gavin pointed out and she flipped him off; to be honest Esme just liked being out full stop.

Skating usually, but she was always out and socialising.

"And you speak to an animal about your feelings more than your parents or friends", she dragged his cat into this and I bit back a smile as we made our way down the stairs.

"Your point?", he waved a hand and stepped into the kitchen first, "god it smells good in here".

"I'm glad someone appreciates it, they're dead to the world", Scott gestured to Cay, Theo and Emiliano who were sitting on the sofa with their backs to us.

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