Chapter 35

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A/N - nicer chapter today (I think) 😜

Enjoyyy <3



"You just got it on my shirt you fucking dick", such joyous language for a Sunday afternoon.

"Aren't you a pleasure to be around?", Xav's lips turned down into a frown, "if you're gonna be a moody dick then piss off". They were both as bad as each other.

"Something crawled up your ass and died", Xander continued rolling his paint-thingy back and forth along my wall.

"Something crawled up your ass and died the day you were born", Xav dipped his brush into the blue paint and brought it back to the wall, "and it's still in there".

"You two are something else", I shook my head from in between the pair, focusing on the wall, "can we not just paint and get along?".

"Apparently not", they both mumbled.

I don't know what had overcome me the past few days but I wanted some kind of change; I was sick of seeing my grey and white walls, my bed in the same reminded me of everything pre-Nico.

And I didn't like it.

So, after talking with Zane, I'd tasked the twins to help me paint and rearrange my bedroom. We'd been at it for about an hour and not even one wall was done, I should've asked Caleb.

Xander's phone rang on my bedside table, and before the guy could blink Xav had bolted it across the room and picked it up- ah shit.

"Jax?", he eyed the screen as Xander grabbed his wrist and yanked the phone from his hold, "who's Jax?". He wiggled his eyebrows and ruffled his twin's hair, Xander retaliated by shoving him backwards into the wall; the bang that his head made didn't sound healthy.

"Xander!", I scolded him, rushing to Xav's aid, "you okay?".

"Better than ever", he saluted me with a wince.
"Maybe it'll knock some sense into you", Xander scowled, "I gotta take this". He left the room without another word, leaving me examining the back of my brother's head carefully.

"So that confirmed it", he grinned, as if he wasn't most likely concussed right now, "our brother has a boyfriend Izzy".

"You shouldn't invade his privacy like that Xav", I bit my lip, "he would've come to us eventually- and we don't even know if that is his boyfriend".

"Have you ever seen him so protective over his damn phone?", he raised an eyebrow, rubbing his head and standing up straight, "okay sure, I acted impulsively, I'll apologise or whatever- but I'm sick of him keeping shit from me, especially when I'm forced to be open just because everyone treads on eggshells around me".

"We don't-,", he didn't let me get any more than two words in.

"No, you don't", he cut me off, "I'm not allowed to keep painkillers in my room anymore because they don't trust me, I see how weary they look when I'm home alone in here- and I know I did it to myself, I stripped myself from that responsibility and independence, but the fact that everyone else gets to keep shit from each other but I'm meant to be as transparent as glass? Not fair Izzy".

My mouth opened and closed a few times, I couldn't find the right words to say and it killed me; Xav didn't stick around for much longer though, he just stepped past me, mumbling something about getting ice for his head before leaving me in the room alone.

Who was gonna help me paint now?


"Out of all the colours in existence you chose blue?", Amelia frowned at the cans of paint on the ground and patted my shoulder, "are you okay?".

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