Chapter 16

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A/N - I think this is my fav chapter I've written...

PS: the song Scott's playing is 'Nuvole Bianche' by Ludovico Einaudi if u wanna set the mood😍

TW - Marco's POV contains quite a lot of violence



I'd been staying at Makayla's for a week now, and things were going as smoothly as they could for someone who had been moved out of her home to avoid her dangerous, insane father.

Between the shopping trips, baking, and school work I'd been sent, I'd been pretty damn occupied; and even though I'd only been speaking to my brothers on the phone, it was better than nothing I suppose.

Zane had told me he was doing everything in his power to make sure I was home as soon as possible, Cay had filled me in on Theo's upcoming date, as well as the fact that he was gonna try and visit August's grave for the first time since his funeral- I was beyond proud of him for that.

Chase had been giving me updates on Rory, and while she was suffering from morning sickness she and the baby were doing fine; he'd been travelling between home and Rory's parents' house where she was staying currently. Xav had been making progress with Addison, as well as hanging out with his friend Nova, and Xander told me he got arrested for assault.

Not much of a shock there.

I hadn't had a proper conversation with Scott since I was last at home, we'd made small talk but nothing that involved more than 5 words at a time. Makayla had gone to see her older brother Zach, who I'd only found out existed this morning, and he lived an hour away; she was gonna spend the night so it was just Scott and I here for the next 24 hours.

I was reading on the stairs, don't ask, when the faint sound of a piano being played downstairs filled my ears; I didn't even know my brother could play the piano.

I closed my book and just pondered for a moment, debating whether to leave him to play and mind my own business or check it out. The seconds turned into minutes and the speed of the music picked up, I rose to my feet and tiptoed down the stairs, leaving the book behind me as I slowly followed the sound as it grew louder.

I stopped outside of a door down the corridor which I hadn't glanced in when Makayla gave me her tour; it was the only one with a closed door and definitely where the music was coming from. Holding my breath, I opened it by a crack and peered inside; Scott's back was to me and his frame was tense, as if he was hesitant to keep playing.

The volume was at its loudest in here which meant it was easy for me to slip inside of the room without him hearing me - plus it seemed that all of his concentration was on his fingers and the keys anyway.

I carefully closed the door behind me and leaned against it, just watching my brother play the instrument with such ease- it was mesmerising to watch and reminded me of our mother. She'd sit at her piano for hours at a time back in London and I'd watch her, fascinated by how easy she made it look.

I was doing the exact same thing with Scott right now, the way his fingers were dancing across the keys without a second thought was the most entrancing thing I'd ever seen; the further he got into the song (which was beautiful, by the way), the more at ease he physically grew.

His shoulders began to loosen up, his posture slouched a little, and all in all he seemed a lot calmer. It was as if I was witnessing Scott's walls break down right in front of me- he almost appeared...vulnerable in here.

I crossed my arms as I continued to watch my brother, who didn't have a clue that I was in here, I could literally feel the emotion radiating off of him as the speed picked up once again, then slowed, then ceased to exist.

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