Bonus Scenes #1

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A/N - doing this in parts cuz I wanted to give you guys something else today❤️

This is 2 of the 8 I have planned - enjoy🫶🏾


Izzy announcing pregnancy

Two lines on a pregnancy test.

They were gonna kill me, banish me, laugh at me...holy fucking shit.

Two lines on a pregnancy test.





"Fuck", I whispered, flushing the toilet and staring at myself in the mirror, "fuck Izzy". Safe to say I wasn't expecting this, we weren't expecting...this.

I was twenty, barely twenty, well- twenty and five months- and I was pregnant. I stared at my stomach and placed a hand on it; had I let my brothers down? Was Ezra gonna hate me? Both were very unlikely, but I was far gone past rational thinking right now.

I needed to tell Ezra, I knew that much. Nothing extravagant, no big announcement, I just needed to tell him.

I needed his calmness, his advice, his opinion, his reassurance...I needed him.

I exhaled slowly, placing the pregnancy test next to the sink and pulling out my phone; thank fuck Caleb and Zane weren't home. Caleb was showing absolutely no signs of growing up...and Zane would stay in this house with Phoenix until the day he died, no doubt about it.

Xav had- well Xav had had to grow up quicker than anyone recently and- oh god I was in the same position he was. He'd gotten Addy pregnant when they were 20 too, and now the pair of them had 6 month old twins, Iris and Isaac.

Imagine if I was carrying twins.

"Darlin'", Ezra answered on the second ring and I swear that was enough to ease some tension, "you okay? Thought you were napping".

"I need you", I pleaded, staring at the test, the two lines, my future, "now". He didn't miss a beat, shuffling filled the line and I sighed in relief; he'd come for me whenever I called.

"I'm on my way", said without any hesitation, "you want me to stay on the line?".

"It's okay", I declined, "just come quick yeah?".

"You got it", he replied, "I love you".

"I love you too", I cut the call and stared at the test again, "god Izzy".


I'd been pacing my bathroom for ten minutes, fighting waves of nausea, thoughts of dread, fear, guilt. The guys weren't that fazed when Xav told them about Addy.

In amongst all of...this, not once had I contemplated not keeping the baby. I wanted to keep it.

A tap on the door made me sigh in the deepest depths of relief, I practically jumped to unlock and open the door; I don't know what overcame me the second I saw Ezra's face but I burst into tears, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder.

"Woah, hey, I got you", he hesitated, slowly shaking an arm around me and holding me against him, "what's wrong, are you hurt?".

"No", I shook my head and he loosened up a little, "I uh- I'm-,".

"Isabella", he stiffened to the point where it felt like I was hugging a plank of wood, "is that what I think it is?". He'd seen it.

"Yeah", I didn't move my head from his shoulder and he squeezed me, "I'm sorry, I-,".

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