Chapter 5

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A/N - long time no see...

Enjoy <3  (kicking this chapter off with the underrated brother😍)



I officially hated college.

That's right, I, Chase Raphael Delgado- supposed child prodigy and smartest in the family, hated college.

I blame turning 21, I blame being fuck knows how many miles away from my siblings, and I blame my father.

I was behind on assignments- way behind on assignments, and the only people I'd spoken to recently were Felix, Dakari, and Rory. Caleb too, but he didn't count, the phone didn't count.

"Get off your lazy ass, we're going out", I groaned the second my own pillow smacked my face, 'Kari stared down at me incredulously with his hands on his hips, "surprised you ain't stuck to the bed".

"Going out where?", I reached for my glasses and slid them on, "I've got a headache".

"Probably from lack of fresh air", he yanked the duvet off of me and threw it on the floor, "we're going to the beach, Felix is driving, and we're getting you the fuck outta here".

"What if I say no?", I sat up, the pulsing in my head only growing stronger.

"When did I say you have a choice?", he raised an eyebrow, raising a hand to his head and pulling off his bonnet, "look at this".

"You're...showing me your braids?", I frowned and he laughed, throwing his head back as he did so.

"Yeah, I'm showing you my braids - do you know when I did these Chase?", he asked and I waved a hand, "three days ago, I've barely seen your ass in three days". In my defence, I didn't know that long had passed.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly having the time of my life right now", I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and sighed.

He paused, watching me for a moment before sinking into the mattress beside me and exhaling slowly.

"I know that", he started, "and I know you're not gonna like what I'm gonna say now - you're pretty much useless right now dude".

"Gee, thanks", I scoffed, taking off my glasses and rubbing the lenses on the duvet, "way to make me feel special".

"Let me talk man, damn", he muttered, "there's nothing you could do back home that your brothers aren't doin' already; y'know Zane doesn't want you stressing over here".

"Zane's a dick", I frowned, knowing deep down Dakari was right though, "I should be there with them".

"And deep down you know Zane's right, and you love him", screw him for reading my mind, "so the best you can do, is chill and try and stay calm- so we're going to the beach".

"We're going to the beach", I nodded, my voice a dull tone.

"Look alive man, god", he ruffled my hair and laughed, "our company ain't that shit is it?".

"You know it's not", I sighed, "thanks".

"Anytime", he stood, stretched and cleared his throat, "you've got half an hour, get ready".


"You got that James Dean, daydream, look in your eyes!", give me goddamn strength, I couldn't take this for the rest of the journey.

"And I got that red lip, classic, thing that you like!", I leaned forwards and smacked the off button on the radio, no way was I listening to this, "the fuck is up with you?".

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