Chapter 9

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A/N - enjoyyyy <3

PS: I haven't (completely) forgotten about Chase and Phoenix 🤭 they'll be making appearances soon dw😭



My brothers were insufferable, idiotic, disobedient pieces of-

"We're staying here Marco, nothing you can do about it", Elijah had the audacity to square up to me, although it was comical that even on his tiptoes he barely met my chin, "at least here there's more people to protect us, I feel safer here than I ever did living with you!". My chest constricted at his words, but I didn't let my shock show, I just stared at him blankly.

"Okay Eli, that's enough", Ezekiel stepped forwards to pull his twin back only to be shoved away.

"It's not enough - they're not doing anything!", I glanced to my left, not appreciating the fact that Xavier, Xander and Isabella were watching us while sharing a bowl of popcorn between them, "look how much shit has happened to us! Caleb got beat up, our house got broken into, Izzy and Xav nearly died yesterday!". The pair of them shifted in their seats.

"And you'll do well to remember that your brother has protected you, looked after you, loved you for the entirety of your lives, no?", Zane stepped into the room and hovered by the fridge, "twins, Isabella".

"Zane", Xavier greeted him quietly, and upon realising his siblings were giving their brother the silent treatment he let his head drop like them.

So Zane had also done something to piss off his siblings too? Interesting...

"Of course I know he's done everything for us", Elijah addressed Zane and Zane only, "which is why I don't understand why he can't just do this and kill the guy- or why you can't do it". My patience was wearing thin at his lack of competence, and I didn't want to snap at him right now.

"I've told you before and I'll say it again- we are getting closer and closer everyday, there's more to killing Santiago than just killing Santiago", I said calmly, tucking my hands into my pockets and eyeing my brothers carefully, "your safety is my biggest priority, both of you".

"Well it doesn't seem like it", Elijah, "maybe all it'll take is someone to shoot at me too, who knows? Then you might actually wake the fuck up Marco".

And that was it. My posture straightened and I towered over the boy, staring down at him with a deep frown on my face.

"Maybe you getting shot at will rid me of one of my problems", he flinched as if I'd physically hit him, "if you're not going to listen to me - fine. You want to go out there and get yourself killed? One less thing on my plate Elijah".

I didn't think it was possible to watch somebody's heart break, or hate myself more than I already did, but here I was; standing in front of my brother as he slouched, tears brimmed in his eyes and he gave me one small nod.

"Okay then", he whispered, turning on his heel and storming out of the room. I expected him to march upstairs but no, straight out the front door he went, the walls trembling under the pressure of the slam.

"He just made Zane seem like a saint", Xander muttered, probably to his siblings, but the whole room definitely heard it.

"You're fucked", Ezekiel shook his head at me, "fuck you Marco". Shit, what the hell had I done?

"Well that could've gone better", I closed my eyes and inhaled, trying to block out my cousins' voices.

"Xavier. Shut it", Zane snapped, "Marco-,". I didn't stick around to hear what he had to say, I had to get out of this house.

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