Chapter 11

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A/N - this is my favourite chapter I've written so far hehe

TW - scenes of violence and descriptions that may be found upsetting



"You need to stay level headed Zane, we can't break when we're this close", Marco eyed me before keeping his focus on the road, "if he steps out of line we'll rethink our options - we're not meant to have weapons, remember?".

Of course I remembered, I hadn't shoved a gun down my trousers for nothing.

"He has some fucking nerve, after he shot me, sent fuck knows how many people to do all this shit to them-", I started rambling only to be cut off.

"Stop talking", Marco raised a hand, "you'll make me do something I'll regret the second I lay my eyes upon him".

"Would that be such a bad thing now?", I could just picture his lifeless body after it had been penetrated with however many bullets I saw suitable and it brought me nothing but satisfaction.

"No, but we need to think about this", he gripped the wheel tightly, my guess was he was picturing wringing them around Santiago's neck, "I ordered the hit on six men this morning, all with connections to your father".

"Don't call him that", I snapped, "he's nothing but the man who brought us life, I'll feel nothing but relief when he's rotting in hell".

"This meeting", he waved a hand before running it through his already distressed hair, "what do you suppose it'll entail?". When it came to Santiago, the possibilities were endless.

"You said you ordered the hit on six of his men, maybe it's surrounding that", I rubbed my temple and sighed- I was constantly thinking about my siblings at home and their safety. I hadn't told any of them where we were going, the simple excuse of a meeting seemed to do the trick.

"I ordered the hits this morning", he replied and I hummed, "he called you yesterday, no?". Shit.

"Right", I nodded, I wasn't thinking straight, "then no, this meeting could be about anything".

"You need to try and relax- and before you say anything, I know that's impossible as of now, but we need to stay calm Zane", he rolled up his sleeves before grasping the wheel again, "our anger is our biggest enemy".

"Or our greatest asset", I muttered, "I am calm- as calm as I can be".

He eyed me briefly, a small smirk spreading across his face.

"Good", he hummed, "with the sole purpose of using his own words against him - the calm before the storm". The calm before the storm...


Parking outside of this house for the second time was nothing like it had been when I came here with Phoenix; the whole atmosphere had shifted and it felt...darker almost.

Like everything in the vicinity of that man just emitted bad energy.

"You draw your weapon if completely and utterly necessary", Marco slid a pair of sunglasses up his nose and rolled down his sleeves, covering the knife strapped around his forearm, "don't drink anything he offers-".

"You know I'm older than you", I scoffed, sliding an identical pair up my nose, "I'm aware".

"By a year", he cracked his knuckles, then his neck, "good". I checked the time on my watch- 7:58.

Two minutes.

"Mierda, I feel sick", I wound down my window and inhaled some fresh air, "coming face to face with him is-".

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