Chapter 14

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A/N - Happy birthday to my favourite suit-wearing, coffee-loving, overprotective asf brother😩❤️

^ it's gone midnight so technically it's not his bday anymore but idc😜

Shorter chapter but oh well



When I opened my eyes, it took a few minutes for everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. Me seeing a completely different side to Scott, finding out Santiago wanted me, and to think I was sitting in school talking to Ezra this time yesterday.

Shit- Ezra.

I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table and groaned when I realised it was dead; I had no fucking clue where my charger was amongst the masses of bags that surrounded me. Which meant I'd probably have to ask Scott where he'd put it.

I gazed around the room and sighed, as pretty as it was: huge, comfy bed, tv on the wall, windows with a view of the outdoor pool, and an en suite, it wasn't mine.

Mine was back at home with my brothers, but I guess dwelling wasn't doing me any good right now.

And I couldn't stay mad at Scott forever when he had my best interests at heart; plus I heard Makayla giving him a lecture downstairs after I went to bed.

I brushed my hair a little and headed downstairs to the kitchen, I could smell coffee which made me grin- as well as remind me of Zane. Makayla was sitting at the kitchen island, a mug in her hand and a pair of glasses perched on her nose as she read something on her phone.

"Morning", I greeted her, sliding into the seat beside her, "that bed was beautiful".

"I'm glad", she chuckled, "that's probably why he sleeps so much when he's here". It hadn't even occurred to me that Scott was probably exhausted, he rarely slept at home so the fact he slept here made me feel a little better.

"What are you reading?", I glanced down at her screen and she pushed her glasses up, "it looks long".

"It's an email from our adoption professional", she told me and I listened intently, "we sent off our adoption plan and adoptive parent profile last week, she's given it the all-clear and it's just a waiting game now".

"I didn't know it was such a long process", I muttered, "I hope it all goes well, you two would be great parents".

"Thank you Izzy", she beamed, "okay, pour yourself some coffee, I'm taking you shopping later too".

"You're making me wanna stay here longer", I narrowed my eyes at her, " Scott coming too?".

"Nope", she snorted, "you could do with some time away from males with the surname Delgado". I chuckled and stood, pouring myself some coffee before returning to my seat.

"All of them?", I asked and she smiled softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"They all love you, all 6 of them- you know that Izzy", she told me and I nodded, "and you're a 17 year old girl who hasn't deserved half of the shit that's happened to you- everyone needs a break from their family at some point".

As much as I missed my brothers, even Scott who was only upstairs, I knew Makayla was right; it couldn't hurt to have some fun with her today...



I didn't sleep at all last night.

Between the drinking whiskey alone, making a cake at 4 in the morning, checking on my sister and apologising over and over again to the kitchen ceiling like an idiot, I hadn't slept a wink.

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