Chapter 7

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A/N - enjoy <3



I was the most whipped guy on the planet.

Either that or I was a fucking stalker, I hadn't decided which title suited me better yet.

You may be asking - Xav? What the hell makes you say that? I was in the library for starters. Not the school library where I went to piss off my sister and her friends, nope - I, Xavier Salvador (ew) Delgado, was in the public library.

Why? Well a certain brown haired girl had grabbed my attention and would not let go.

I stared down at the paper in front of me, at least twenty games of tic tac toe staring right back at me; I'd managed to beat myself plenty of times in the past forty five minutes. Woah, it'd only been forty five minutes?

I peered back up at Addison, she was seated on a table barely a few feet away from me, surrounded by paper, textbooks, pens - how she didn't wanna gouge her eyes out was beyond me. Her gaze lifted and she made eye contact with me in an instant- shit.

My eyes snapped back to my paper and I mentally cursed, I was taking the title of stalker more and more by the second. I doodled on the sheet, finding sudden interest in the stick figures I'd created when a shadow grew over me. Busted.

"What are you doing here?", Addison gritted out, her hazel brown eyes narrowing in on me, "are you stalking me?".

"It's a public library Addy", I raised an eyebrow and she frowned, "what makes you think I'm here for you?".

"You don't do libraries", she folded her arms and I looked her up and down; fucking hell. She was wearing a blue sweater with a white shirt underneath, along with a white skirt and black shoes - focus Xav.

"And what makes you think that?", I mirrored her body language and crossed my arms, challenging her.

"I've never seen you in here in my life", she gazed at my sheet of doodles and tic tac toe games, "looks like you've been really productive".

"Oh I have", I grinned, "who else can beat themselves at tic tac toe and draw a stickman on a bike?". Her lips lifted into the smallest smile ever and I internally congratulated myself, I loved making people smile.

"Why are you really here Xav?", my heart skipped a beat when she actually said my name, I needed to pull myself the fuck together.

"Maybe I'm just enjoying the view", I shrugged and she rolled her eyes, uncrossing her arms and letting her gaze travel to my page once again.

"So you're not here to distract me?", she questioned and my eyebrows pulled into a frown.

"No", I said seriously, "I don't wanna distract you - if you want me to leave, I will, I-".

"I never said that", she interrupted and I shut up, "just- you can come and sit with me I guess, the staring's weird as hell".

"Right. Sorry", I scratched the back of my neck and smiled sheepishly, "and thanks, I'll come over now".


They say time flies when you're having fun, but I wasn't having fun, and time wasn't flying.

I was bored out of my fucking mind, but I'd said I didn't wanna distract Addison so I was staying true to my word. But, there were only so many doodles I could squeeze on one sheet of paper, and with me having the attention span of a fly I was losing my mind.

"So uh, biology?", I reached out for her closed textbook and flicked through it, "you like it huh?". She put her pen down and looked up at me; I'd taken the seat opposite her so I wasn't in the way of all her things.

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