Chapter 12

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A/N - forgot to thank for 3k❤️

I'm 18 next week ew 😃

Long note at the end🤙🏾



Chase had been locked up in his room for the remainder of the day, and the night, and he didn't resurface until 11 o'clock the following morning. And he didn't look good at all.

His eyes were red and puffy, his face swollen, his hair a mess...all because of Caleb.

Speaking of the devil himself, our brother was sitting at the island right beside me, not that I'd bothered to acknowledge his presence in any way whatsoever. I wasn't gonna do so much as look at him until he sorted things out with Chase.

Xander eyed said brother over the top of his glass of orange juice and squinted.

"Chase, you want a coffee or something?", he offered, "or some food? I know you've missed my cooking". Zane and Scott entered the room side by side, matching navy blue suits and a pair of shades on- it was literally Sunday.

"I'm not hungry", Chase declined quietly, Xander's eyebrows pinched into a frown and he placed his drink down.

"You haven't eaten since you got here", he muttered, "I'll make you something, and you're gonna eat it". No complaints came from him so Xander turned around and opened up the cupboards; I attracted my attention to my two eldest brothers who were making hushed conversation by the fridge.

"Where are you two going?", I asked, pointing my fork at the pair of them, "you're barely home anymore Zane". He watched me for a moment in some sort of daze which led to Scott looking at him suspiciously.

"I know, I'm sorry mi amor", he adjusted his cuffs and cleared his throat, "this will all be over soon hm?". I sure fucking hoped so.

"Yeah", I nodded, "you didn't answer-,".

"Chase I need to talk to you", Caleb's deep voice completely cut me off and I looked at Chase who had locked eyes with our brother, "alone".

"Anything you want to say you can say in front of them", he snapped, "you had no problem doing that last night". Go Chase.

Caleb gazed around the room, four scowls staring right back at him as well as Chase's neutral expression.

"I'm sorry", Xander laughed at the poor excuse of an apology and Caleb huffed, "I'm so fucking sorry, I just- I don't know why I said all that shit to you and-,".

"You know exactly why you said it", Chase shook his head and I raised an eyebrow, "I can see it in your eyes- I'm all ears".

"Ear", Xander snorted and I smacked a hand over my mouth, so out of pocket.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Caleb ignored our youngest brother and kept his eyes on Chase's, "I just said it in the heat of the moment".

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, and until you can give me a reason as to why you said I'd neglect my child, I don't even want to look at you", he went to leave the room and I side eyed Caleb, he gripped his hair and groaned, slamming a fist on the island.

"Everyone's moving on, okay?", he raised his voice and Chase stopped in his tracks, "everyone in this house has something going for them, and I'm just fucking here- watching everyone live their lives while I'm still at square fucking one! And when you told us you're having a baby- a fucking kid, Chase, I didn't know what the hell to think! Out of everyone in this family I'm the closest to you, I'm the one that sat with you everyday for two hours to learn sign language, I'm the one who would come to you when I couldn't do my English work, I'm the one who slept on the floor in your room when you were too scared to sleep alone- me!".

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