Chapter 24

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A/N - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my fav tattoo addicted, Theo-obsessed, red Range Rover driving brother ‼️

(It's midnight so it's technically tomorrow for me)😜

New character incoming...



"I have enough money to last my lifetime, your lifetime, Ezra's lifetime, your childrens' lifetimes, their childrens'-", give me fucking strength.

"We get it, thanks Zane", I cut him off and he watched me with an amused expression, bringing his mug of coffee to his lips and sipping it slowly.

"So why could you possibly want a job?", he questioned, "I'd buy you anything you want mi amor, you know this".

"I don't want a job for the money, Zane", I glanced over at Ezra who was sitting at the table, about to shove a spoonful of cereal into his mouth; he paused and gave me a thumbs up so I nodded to myself and continued, "I wanna do something normal, something that people my age do, I want a job for the experience".

"I see", he hummed, sipping his drink again and looking over at my boyfriend, "do you think this is a good idea Ezra?". He chewed quickly, then swallowed, and turned so he was facing us properly.

"I do", he confirmed, "although I may seem biassed, I'll agree with anything she says". I bit back a smile when he winked at me and carried on eating his food.

"Then it appears we have more in common than I initially thought", Zane replied, "you know I can't say no to you".

I grinned, moving across the room and wrapping my arms around his torso; his hand found its way around me and he pressed a kiss into the top of my head.

"Thank you", I beamed.

"Anytime", he chuckled, pulling us apart just as Xander walked into the room slowly; I literally felt Zane tense as soon as he laid his eyes upon our brother up and out of bed.

"Why are you so happy?", he grumbled, manoeuvring towards the fridge and opening it, "we're out of orange juice".

"Good morning to you too, and noted", Zane smirked, "why don't you share the good news with Alexander?". Said brother turned to look at me, leaning against the counter as he folded his arms expectantly.

"If you're pregnant or something-", Ezra choked on his cereal on the other side of the room and smacked his chest, my eyes widened and Zane pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not fucking pregnant", I slapped his head and he scowled, "I'm getting a job". He just stared at me for a moment, then averted his gaze to Zane who was beside me.

"Are we broke?", he asked and I rolled my eyes, "because I've seen his bank account, I know you don't need a job Bella".

"Xander-", the guy kept talking though.

"Is it those damn books? I'll buy you however many you want if that's the problem", as much as I appreciated his rare, kind gesture, he needed to shut the hell up.

"It's not for the books, or the money", I told him, "I want to do something normal in my all but normal life".

"So take up a hobby, do some chores", he waved a hand, "why a job?".

"You know everyone isn't as lazy as you Alexander", Zane sighed and our brother scoffed.

"Lazy? More like in fucking pain, Zane", he snapped and I winced, knowing Zane hadn't meant it like that; Xander was the laziest person I knew before he got shot.

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