Chapter 33

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A/N - look who's come crawling back🫡

I'm sorry this took YEARS but enjoy❤️

TW: scenes some may find upsetting in the flashback + potential typos everywhere


"Oh my god you're an old man", we all turned our heads to the kitchen doorway where none other than the birthday boy was standing.

"I see a grey hair", Caleb squinted and Zane huffed, "I'm kidding, happy birthday". A smile tugged at his lips as he nodded in gratitude, I jumped down from my seat on the counter and rounded the kitchen island, wrapping my arms around my eldest brother.

"Happy birthday Zane", I beamed, "I love you". One of his arms wrapped around me as he rested his chin on top of my head; Zane's hugs were one of the best things I'd ever experienced in my life.

"I love you more Isabella", his body vibrated as he spoke, "more than you'll ever know".

"Okay enough sappy shit, I made breakfast", Xander's interruption made us pull apart and me roll my eyes, "it's going cold".

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed", Xav muttered, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at his twin.

"He's permanently stuck on the wrong side of bed", Caleb chimed in, sending a glare to our brother's back. Xander turned, his apron covered, scowling appearance making me smirk; the smirk vanished in an instant when he grabbed a glass of water from the counter and dashed it at Caleb.

"Are you fucking joking?", he stood, dripping from head to toe and wiping his face, "you must be fucking joking". He pulled his t-shirt over his head and dashed it on the ground, charging at Xander without a second thought; I leaned into Zane and Phoenix with a sigh, just watching the scene unfold.

"Both of you chill", Xav ordered with his mouth full, "it's embarrassing as shit, and it's Zane's birthday". His words fell upon deaf ears, the pair of them now wrestling each other on the fucking ground like a pair of children, you wouldn't think they were 19 and 22.

"Caleb. Alexander", Zane pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed, "cut it out". They ignored him too, too busy pulling each other's hair, punching each other's stomachs, scratching and kicking.

"Fucking idiots", Xav shook his head, turning to face the tv in the living room instead.

"That is enough!", Zane stepped forwards, gripping Caleb by the shoulder and hauling him up effortlessly; he was panting, there were scratch marks on his bare chest and blood trickling from his nose as he jerked himself out of our eldest brother's grasp, "you two are like children".

"Tell that to him", Caleb jabbed a finger at Xander as he got back on his own two feet, wiping some blood from his lip, "overreacting like that? You need to go back to that fucking therapist and-". He didn't get to finish his sentence because Xander pounced again, only to be shielded by the wall that was Zane.

"That's enough", he gripped both of his shoulders and stared him in the eyes, "go to your room and calm down". He just watched Zane for a moment, probably debating whether to put up a fight or not, before he turned on his heel and left the room, his heavy footsteps retreating and his bedroom door slamming shortly after. God.

"You're meant to be the mature one, Caleb", Zane moved over to the coffee machine and turned it on, placing a mug underneath it; Phoenix rubbed my arm and moved past me, joining Xav in the attached living room in front of the tv.

"Oh right, I'll just sit there and get fucking soaked next time, thanks", he snapped, "he needs fucking discipline, Zane, he's 19 and acting like he's still 9". Zane stayed quiet, focusing solely on his beloved coffee before he glanced at Caleb, his eyes hovering on him for a split second- he hummed and walked straight into the pantry.

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