Hotel Horrors

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Scars were going to become more and more abundant on Adrien's body, he already knew that. The burns from Evillustrator may have been magically healed by Ladybug's power, but their scars remained. Hopefully they could heal over time, but he was terrified that they would put his whole career and civilian life in jeopardy. He was a young model after all–not that it was something he really wanted to do–having scars on his face would damage his image. It would risk his identity being revealed.

There was only so much makeup could do. He would only be able to hide this for so long, and could only hope they'd heal and disappear with time.

In his bathroom, Adrien put the finishing blending touches on his makeup, fixing it to match his skin tone seamlessly. No one could know about this, not his photographers, makeup artists, assistants... no one. Especially his father.

Plagg didn't seem too worried by this. He didn't quite understand the concept of being a model. Then again, Plagg was almost as old as all of humanity, and his view of the world was drastically different than Adrien's. According to Plagg, the last he had had a holder was in the late Ming dynasty in the 1630s. He'd somehow been the cause of a terrible plague in the Shanxi Province which killed more than 200,000 people and led to the dynasty's collapse. It was no wonder the other kwamis refused to let his miraculous be used again. So why now?

That thought constantly ate up Adrien's thoughts. Why now? Why release Plagg into the world now? Why pick Adrien? Discluding Ladybug's jewel and the two that had been stolen, there were about fifteen other miraculous he could have been given instead. If Plagg was so dangerous, why put the risk out there?

"Hey Plagg?" Adrien was putting away his makeup kits, his thoughts finally getting the better of him. He needed answers.

"Yeah kid?"

"Why... Why did the other kwamis choose to send you out here? I thought you were like... really dangerous or something?"

"Oh, trust me, they didn't," Plagg said and chuckled. He was nibbling on a block of cheese Adrien had requested that morning.

"Then... How are you here?"

"The guardian thought it would be best, and only Tikki would dare argue with the guardian," Plagg answered.

"Ok but... Why didn't they send any of the other miraculous?"

"Jeez, tired of me already?"

"No, no! That's not it!" Adrien said, "It's just that I'm sorta confused. There's so many other miraculous, and you said it yourself, you're too dangerous to have a wielder anymore."

"Well... You're absolutely right. But Master Fu was getting desperate. Missing the miraculous of the moth and peacock is taking a toll on him, which would be why he jumped to Tikki and I as soon as Wayzz sensed the presence of Nooroo," Plagg explained. "Besides, if he had picked any of the other kwamis, you may have not become a superhero."

"Huh? I thought you said I was worthy or something. Like... a connection?"

"Yeah. A connection." Plagg nodded. "Between you and I. I felt something pulling me to you, meaning you were fitting enough to come close to putting that ring on your finger. It could easily kill anyone else if they're not worthy of it."

"And... so I could use any other miraculous?"

"I mean, maybe?" Plagg shrugged, "The likelihood of being a match with more than one is incredibly rare. Like, for instance, if you tried to use the earrings of the ladybug, it could absolutely destroy you with no way of undoing it."

"Huh?!" Adrien's eyes widened.

"Don't think too hard about it. Your assistants are probably waiting on you, you should get going."

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