Funky Halloween

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Halloween rolled right around the corner and Adrien did not have a costume. He didn't really like costumes anyways, since he was always being pampered and dressed up for photoshoots and commercials. Just a few weeks ago he'd had to look like a pirate for a commercial selling deodorant. He didn't know if kids his age even dressed up for Halloween, so it didn't bother him too much.

At least, it didn't bother him at all until he came to school and saw that a majority of the students were in costume. He didn't think so many would actually do it, but then again, this was his first time attending a school. This was his first Halloween spent out of the house.

"What are you supposed to be?" Adrien asked Marinette as she sat next to him in Mrs. Bustier's room for their homeroom period. She had her hair in short pigtails and her bangs puffed up. She wore what looked to be a homemade knit pink dress and a pair of pink fairy wings on her back.

"Oh, I'm the knitting fairy!"

"The knitting fairy..?"

"Yeah, it was a character I created as a kid. I thought it would be fun!"

"Well, you look nice."


And then Nino walked in, and he was a turtle. Adrien had no idea what kind of getup this was but it was most certainly bizarre. He had a purple ninja mask on, a makeshift cardboard turtle shell, numchucks, and he was green.

"And... what are you?"

"Donatello!" Nino replied with a grin.


"The teenage mutant ninja turtle!"

"Are you making this up?"



The whole class turned to look at him, including Alya (dressed as a mermaid) who said, "Adrien, what the fuck?!"

"Is that wrong?"

"Yeah! What rock have you been living under?!" Alix–who appeared to be a devil–exclaimed.

"I don't know what's happening-"

"I've never seen any of the teenage mutant ninja turtle movies or shows but like- everyone knows about them!" Alix argued.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Chloe snapped. She was dressed up like Ladybug; she had a whole suit, wig, and everything. Sabrina, sitting next to her, was Chat Noir.

"It's alright, I really am... I guess I didn't have the same childhood as everyone else, huh?"

"We're messin 'with you man, but seriously, you should watch the new show." Nino said confidently.

Looking around, Adrien realized the only other people that weren't in costumes were Nathaniel and Juleka. Mylene was in a mouse onesie, Ivan was... something that was bloody... Marc was a vampire, Rose was also a fairy, and Lila also Ladybug.

"Well now I feel weird." Adrien muttered.

"Bout not knowing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" Marinette asked.

"No. I don't have a costume."

"I thought your costume was supermodel," Marinette teased.

"But- I'm already model-?"

Marinette face palmed. "Oh Adrien," she suppressed a laugh. She didn't want to make him feel bad. She couldn't help but noticed how distressed he already was. "Is everything ok?"

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