New York - Enter Sandboy

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The lights turned on in the plane as they neared New York. Passengers were waking up and flight attendants were busy running back and forth to gather garbage. Luka started making conversation with Marinette and neither of them said anything about the fact that they had basically been cuddling. Some people opened the window covers so they could see outside. It was morning in New York. They left Paris at eight and were landing in New York at the same time. How funny was that...

The plane suddenly jerked around like it had hit some intense turbulence, yet the seatbelt sign did not turn on. Marinette clenched the cushion of her seat, her mind racing back to what Tikki had said. What if there was a threat? What if Chat Noir decided to take action? She had no way of communicating with him.

She knew something was definitely wrong when the passengers started making a commotion and pressed their faces against the available windows. Marinette couldn't see anything. She was trapped in the middle of the plane with Luka who was clutching her arm for security. Marinette noticed something weird coming out of the AC above her head. It was a strange orange-pink dust seeping through in a puff of smoke. Tikki began squirming violently in her purse but there was nothing Marinette could do.

"Attention passengers!" came the voice of a little boy over an intercom on the plane, "we will be landing shortly so fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight."

The plane ride got even more bumpier and now the passengers were in a state of panic. Colorful smoke slithered through the aisles and under the seats. There was something enchanting about that dust and Marinette felt like it was able to look into her mind.

"Did you just come from Paris?" the little boy said, "because I'll have you know, we've got some foreign french superheroes onboard with us today. Ladybug and Chat Noir (I hope I got your names right), would you please stand up?"

People began to scream. Tikki had stopped moving but Marinette could practically feel her worries levitating into the air. The little boy spoke English and Marinette understood none of it.

"Aww, you don't want to join me up front?" the little boy said again. Suddenly a mass of black that looked like a piece of space itself phased through the floor towards the front of the plane and flew over everyone's heads, spreading more colorful enchanting dust. Whatever that dark blob was, the little boy's voice was coming from it. "Alright everyone, the seatbelt sign is on. We're about to make a rough landing so keep all carry ons tucked under the seat in front of you and here we go!"

The plane began to dip down as the dark blob disappeared into the front of the plane. Passengers were screaming and the lights were flickering. Marinette felt Luka clutch onto her, and over the screams, he assured her everything would be alright.

And then the plane randomly stabilized and all the trauma stopped. A new voice, more digitally robotic, came over the speakers.

"Don't worry sweethearts, everything is under control," the feminine artificial voice said. Well, she said it in english first and then repeated it in french. "Dear passengers, United Heroes are here to protect you."

"Oh boo, this is no fun," the dark blob appeared again. It manifested into a humanoid shape and flew aggressively down one of the aisles. "Uncanny Valley, where are you~"

"I've hacked the autopilot of this plane, so there is nothing you need to worry about," the voice said again. It must have been the android superhero, Uncanny Valley.

"You!" the blob manifested itself over Juleka, forcefully grabbing her by the hand and lifting her in the air. The blob was in the shape of a little boy but was flying high enough to prevent Juleka's toes from even grazing the floor. He said something in English and waited for a response. Juleka began crying. "Oh, you speak French then, don't you?" he said, switching to perfectly fluent French, "lucky for you, I can speak it. Now, were you aware that Ladybug and Chat Noir were on this plane?" Juleka aggressively shook her head no, crying even harder. "Right... Do you believe that if they were, would they save you? What if I threw you out the emergency exit right now? Would Chat Noir swoop in to save the day? You don't know? Well, let's put them to the test!"

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