Firm Grasp on Reality

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"Chat Noir!" Ladybug screamed as she witnessed the death of Timetagger.

Chat Noir's hand was firmly around Timetagger's neck as he summoned his cataclysm. Her armored suit disintegrated away, leaving room for her flesh and skin to peel and shrink away, releasing blood from all her veins as she quickly became a husk of a corpse, blackened by the hand of destruction.

"Chat Noir! What have you done?!" Ladybug wailed.

"Oh my god," said Queen Bee as she'd just arrived on scene to witness the death of the akuma.

"Oh shit, this wasn't supposed to happen!" said the mysterious Mr. Lapin as he jogged up through the rubble. Ladybug didn't even have time to process who Mr. Lapin was, and the fact that she had never seen him before until now.

"Chat Noir!" Ladybug suddenly came stumbling over the rubble to Chat Noir, forcefully pulling him away from Timetagger's dark corpse. Even the bleeding of her body had stopped as each and every blood cell itself had disintegrated and burned away upon her fleshless body. "Chat Noir what-"

"I- I- I don't know what I-" Chat Noir nearly tripped as he stepped away with Ladybug. "I wasn't even thinking I- Fuck! Fuck!" He frantically put his hands on his head, ripping at his blond hair so intensely that Ladybug had to stop him for fear he'd rip off his own scalp.

"Chat Noir, you're going to hurt your-"

"I just killed- she- WHY DID I DO THAT?!" Chat Noir said, tears flooding from his face.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's ok... I..." Ladybug was lying right through her teeth.

"She was from the future, so she's not actually dead," Mr. Lapin said with confidence.

"How can you be so sure?!" Chat Noir jerked his head around. "Who even are you?!"

"I'm Mr. Lapin, wielder of the rabbit-"

"And I killed her future self then! Right?! So the Timetagger of this timeline, wherever she is, is going to die! Because of me!" Chat Noir exclaimed in panic.

"You can go ahead and try!" said the voice of Timetagger, newly akumatized from the current timeline as she soared overhead, managing to tap Ladybug on the head as she went, freezing the hero and destining her to disappear. Forever.

"She's alive," Mr. Lapin said, "and as long as she doesn't go into the same future the other one did... as in like... follow the steps that one took to get to the point she was in going back in time and taking herself here and dying-"

"That makes no sense," Queen Bee scorned.

"Fucking hell," Chat Noir shook his head, standing defensively over Ladybug now to keep her away from the new Timetagger., "I'm gonna kill her again."

"Wait-" Mr. Lapin tried to say something before Chat Noir foolishly charged after Timetagger. Timetagger got herself on the smooth, undamaged roads, around the street corner with Chat Noir lunging himself at her. Mr. Lapin and Queen Bee raced around to follow them, watching the terror unfold.

"You don't have a cataclysm anymore! How are you gonna kill her ya dum dum?!" Queen Bee called out.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir said, and somehow, his cataclysm formed around his left hand.

"That shouldn't be possible..." Queen Bee said, her face paling. Chat Noir was somehow able to evade being touched by Timetagger, all the while pursuing to kill her.

"It is possible..." Mr. Lapin said. "It's possible if his kwami gave him the access to that ability. Eventually, you'll all be able to use your powers multiple times in one transformation when your kwamis deem you ready but... why would Plagg do that now?"

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