Ladybug's Massive Firearm

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"Maybe we should take a break," Adrien suggested after Marinette destroyed him in another round of their game.

"Sure, I'm getting kinda tired anyways," Marinette replied.

"You're really good at this, actually," Adrien admitted as he set his controller down.

"Yeah I do play this game a lot with my dad... not much recently though... I feel kinda bad for Max too. I know he really wanted this..." Marinette sighed.

"Maybe I can switch spots with him and you two can compete together?" Adrien suggested.

"No, you earned your place in the tournament. I kinda just... happened to beat the king of it and..." Marinette started to mumble. "I mean, it's fun doing it with you! It's just... I feel so guilty."

"Don't be-"

"It's alright, Adrien," Marinette said as she stood up to stretch, "I think-"


Marinette was thrown across the room where she hit the opposite wall near Adrien's bed. A giant holographic looking fist had just blasted through the glass of Adrien's bedroom windows, which were absolutely massive and took up nearly an entire wall. The fist shrunk down, though still an abnormal size, as someone stepped through the glass. The holographic fist was about half the size of the person themselves, which was covered in a greenish-grey mech suit. Where their skin could be seen it was grey, with tubes and wires connecting their face and other body parts to the suit itself. Their eyes were covered by a VR headset looking piece, but even through all that, Marinette and Adrien were sure it was Max Kante.

"Marinette-" Adrien staggered away from the broken windows. He rushed to see if Marinette was ok.

"I thought I'd find you here," Max–akumatized–said.

"Marinette are you al-" Adrien was cut off by akumatized Max launching a beam of light that hit the wall between Adrien and Marinette's heads, burning a hole in the paint. "Max!"

"It's Gamer, now," Max- Gamer- sneered.

"Why are akuma's so shitty at picking creative names?" Marinette said, as though almost unphased by the burnt hole in the wall.

"You-" Gamer interrupted himself by firing another blast at her from his holographic gauntlet. Adrien shoved Marinette out of the way, nearly getting hit himself in doing so.

"Hey! Gamer head!" a voice called. It sounded like Ladybug... which would have been impossible since Marinette was right there. Gamer turned to see where the voice had come from, immediately earning him the surprise of seeing Ladybug herself, standing in the windowsill.

"Ladybug!" Gamer growled, turning to face her.

"You two go hide somewhere safe, I'll handle this!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"Right!" Adrien helped Marinette–who was dumbfounded and confused by the sight of herself standing in the window–and pulled her out of his room in a rush. They heard a commotion from within the bedroom, but paid no heed to turn their heads around and look. Adrien rushed Marinette down the stairs of his mansion. "There's a safety room built in case of earthquakes or disaster, you'll be safe in there." Adrien informed as he took Marinette around a wide loop of hallways that seemed infinitely long.

"Are you not going to hide?" Marinette asked.

"I need to find my father and all the employees in the house to make sure they get to safety as well. I'll be back, I promise," he assured as he found his way to the entrance of the safety bunker.

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