Alya's Hot Wheels

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"He's going to be so surprised!" Nino exclaimed. Marinette, Alya, Nathaniel and he were all walking as a group, trying to locate Adrien's house together through GPS. He lived in a very prestigious rich neighborhood that was rather overwhelming. One could practically smell the money reeking from the mansions all around.

"Hopefully his dad will let us hang out," Alya said, blowing into a bubble wand as Nino helped push her in her wheelchair (with the distance they'd gone, her arms had tired out).

"I can persuade him." Nino grinned. He too, had a bubble wand which was sitting in his pocket. The day had begun to cool, as October fall brought chilled winds.

Thinking of October, Marinette said, "Are you guys planning to dress up for Halloween?"

"OOH!" Alya exclaimed, "Yes! I was thinking of making my wheelchair look like a race kart from Mario or something. I think I'll go as Princess Peach."

"That's cool," Nino hummed. "For some odd reason, I want to be a Ninja Turtle."

"Which one?" Alya asked.

"Dunno yet."

"I want to be a fairy," Marinette said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What about you Nathaniel?" Alya asked the boy who'd practically been invisible the whole time.

"Oh- uh-" his cheeks flushed red, "Not sure yet. I don't know if I'll dress up..."

"You and Marinette should match!" Alya's face lit up, "YOU COULD BE LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!"

"Only if I can be Chat Noir," Marinette said teasingly.

"I think this is it?" Nino said as they were just about to pass the front gates of a particularly large mansion.

"Damn... I feel so out of place..." Alya muttered.

"Jesus..." Nathaniel said under his breath as they all looked up at the absolute monster of a house.

"Oh! Here's a doorbell!" Marinette said and pressed a button next to the gate. A few seconds later, a camera was pointed directly at her face, having sprung from the wall.

"Name?" the camera said from a speaker below the button she'd pushed.

"Oh- uh- um- I'm Marinette!" Marinnette said, "We're Adrien's friends and classmates, we wanted to uh-"

"We wanted to hang out with Adrien!" Nino shoved his way into the view of the camera. "For his birthday!"

The speaker remained silent, as if calculating something.

"Give me a moment," the voice eventually said. The four continued to stand there awkwardly, waiting for a final answer. After a few minutes, the camera pointed at Nino and began to speak again.

"Your access has been denied."

"Can we uh.... Can Adrien come out of the house then?" Nino asked.

"No. He is busy."

"Please! We just wanna talk to him! Even if it's for a little while!"

"We brought him gifts!" Marinette said, pulling the neatly wrapped gift she'd made out from her backpack. The speaker went silent again.

"Give me a moment," they repeated again and disappeared.

This time they waited even longer until finally, after about ten odd minutes, someone opened the front doors of the mansion and stepped outside. None of the teens recognized her, but all guessed that she was an assistant.

"Adrien will not be joining you this evening," the woman said, having been the same speaker from the doorbell. "But he'll gladly take gifts, and I will tell him you came."

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