Awkward Tension

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Chat Noir propelled himself higher and higher into the sky. The cool October wind whipping through his blonde hair was almost soothing—and there was a certain smell of fall in the air that rang a familiar tune. The sky was much too polluted by the light to see any stars but he felt that if he could fly high enough he could see them.

He refused to believe that the curse hadn't gone away. It was still small as of the moment, but he knew his time with the dance of luck was going to dwindle away. Things were about to turn further south than they'd ever been before. Would he really go insane?

As he thought about this, he became more aware of the ring around his finger. Like it was getting heavy with the infection of his thoughts. The ring was cursed. He wanted to rip it off and throw it away into the Seine, never to be seen again.

But alas, if he did that, he'd be saying goodbye to Ladybug permanently. He just didn't know what to do.

He recognized his school as he launched himself from a building near it, and now knew where he was. He hadn't exactly been paying attention to his location beforehand. He struck the end of his extended staff onto a ledge of the building and continued his mindless journey.

Suddenly his ring burned. A sting of pain around his finger caught him by surprise and out of nowhere, his staff slipped off the edge and he came crashing down onto the balcony of a neighboring building to the school. His head hit a chimney on his way down and he lost his staff. With a loud thud, and the sound of a pot shattering, Chat Noir slammed into the floor of the balcony.

He rolled over onto his back in defeat, staring blankly up at the sky above. His head throbbed in pain from where he'd hit it on the chimney. Curiously, he touched the spot with his gloved hand and had to bite his lip to stop himself from making sounds of pain. It was bleeding, and it stung–a lot.

A trap door at the start of the balcony opened up and someone poked their head through with a phone flashlight–it was Marinette.

"Chat Noir?" Marinette said in surprise, before falling off whatever she was standing on to get to the trap door and disappearing. He heard a commotion from inside what he presumed to be her room, then the hatch door flew open again and there she was. "Is there an akuma?!"

"Uhhhhh...." his eyes lazily slipped away from her. "No."

"What are you doing?!" She cautiously crept up onto the balcony as if suspecting he'd jump up and attack her.

"I fell. Sorry." He forced himself to get up. Blood dripped down his temple and he could now taste it in his mouth. "I didn't mean to cause such a... ruckus..."

"Oh- You're bleeding!"

"I'm gonna... go..." he tried to stand up but his head was spinning. He had a horrible headache. "Damn luck..." he muttered to himself.

"Did you hit-"

"I hit my head on the chimney or something," he interrupted.

"You must have gotten a concussion."

"I'll be fine-" he stood up- "I'll be heading off now, thanks for your concern."

"Uh... I don't think it's safe for you to leave right now."

"And why's that?"

"You're literally shaking and look like you're about to collapse," Marinette said with a scolding tone. "Here, have a seat." She forced him to sit on a lounge chair. "I'll be right back!"


She disappeared into her room again, leaving Chat Noir alone. When she came back, she had a homemade med kit with her.

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