Meeting Sehun

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Mina's POV

I waited for this guy,I think his name was Sehen or Sehan or something like that. And honestly I was secretly dreading the walk. When I first walked into the classroom and was introducing myself. Almost all the girls in there gave me a stank look.
Now I'm yous to girls not liking me and all. But atleast have a reason. It's just my first day.
I ignored it,and was walking to my new seat. There were these two girls who looked just alike. And they were giggling and winking at that Sehun guy. And he was entertaining them. From that point on, I kinda already assumed he was one of those playboy's.
But his friend Kai looked nice. He gave me a warm smile and I gladly returned one. That's why when class was over, I asked him if he could walk me to my next class. He was unbelievably attractive and so sweet. I just had a good feeling about him. But his friend however,was a different story. I just felt like Sehun was going to be trouble. And my instincts haven't lead me a stray yet.
Me and Sehun were walking down the hallway akwardly. Well nevermind,I was the only akward one. Everytime I looked in his direction, he was either smiling or winking at another female. And it made me a little uncomfortable since they were all giving me dirty looks. I practically praised God when we reached the classroom. I waited until everyone got into class until I tried to find some where to sit. And the only open seat was next to Sehun. I cursed up a storm in my head as I reluctantly took the seat.
I tried my best to concentrate on what the teacher was saying.
"Okay class for your next project, your going to need a partner."
As soon as the teacher lady said that,I heard alot of girls call out Sehuns name. I had a strange feeling of relief come over me.
"And your working with the person that's sitting next to you" the lady said.
My heart sunk and I gulped my spit. I was afraid to look up because I knew half the class was going to be glaring at me. But after a few seconds I looked up anyway. And I turned to my right to see Sehun wasn't there. I relaxed my shoulder's a bit and pulled out my phone. I was texting the only friend I have in this school.
His name was Baekhyun.
I bumped into him by accident this morning and apologized like a thousand times for it. But he kept telling me it was okay. And since we had that next class together, he befriended me. And that whole time we did nothing but talk to eachother. He is super funny and polite. And it was his idea that we exchange number's. He told me to text him whenever I was feeling weird and it was definitely one of those times.
I was about to send the message when I saw a shadow standing over me. I looked up to see a smiling Sehun.
"I went to go get the supplies we needed for our project." He said before handing me some papers "Thanks " I said slowly while scanning the work. We had to do a project on the black plague and how it all started. It was such an easy topic for me so I knew I wouldn't have any problems getting it done.
"Did you learn this stuff at your other college " Sehun asked. "Yeah, we learned about this last semester " I replied back.
He just nodded and started working. I was underestimating him at first. He turned out for be really smart. He got the front page done with the first ten minutes of class. I tried to finish mine,but the work was different from the stuff in my old school.
"Having trouble? "Sehun asked me. "I guess so,the work here is different " I said embarrassed. "I know how you feel,when I first came over here. It was the same way for me" Sehun said.
I just smiled and looked at the paper rereading the same question over and over again. "Here let me help you"Sehun said as he scooted a little closer to me so he could see my paper better. I was uncomfortable at first because I could feel him breathing on my neck. I looked at him but he was to focused on the work to notice anything else. I was secretly admiring his features while he was occupied.
His jaw line was nicely sculptured for his face and his lips were thin but full. His nose was average size and his eye's were a nice oval shape. And his eyebrows looked like they were professionally arched. His features were immaculate, but I pried my eye's away before he noticed.
"This one should be D because the black plague didn't start until 1347 and didn't spread to Asia until 1348." Sehun said confidently. I just looked at him in awe. "What, did you expect me to be stupid " he asked looking at me. "Ani, I didn't think that" I lied. He just smiled and pinched my cheek. "Your cute" Sehun said while scooting back over to his desk.
I looked away so he wouldnt see that i was blushing and tried to focus on my work. I started to get the hang of it and finished the first part of our project in no time. The bell rung and I was about to make my way to the last class of the day when Sehun stopped me.
"Do you know how to get to your next class?" He asked. "Umm...No but ill find my way" I said before walking ahead of him. But he caught up and stopped me again. "You should let me walk you" he said like he was asking me. "And why would you want to do that. You've already helped enough Sehun " I said crossing my arms. "Well depending on your next teacher, you might wanna be on time because they don't like tardy kids" he said trying to reason with me. "Okay you can, I don't mind" I replied back. He gave me a huge smile and grabbed my arm and started pulling me into the hallway.

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