The Search

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Sehun's POV

"I think I know who took her" I said sadly. I thought me and Kimmy made a deal. I did my part,I told her that after I stopped talking to Mina. That I'm not going to talk to her either. I should've seen this coming.
"Well who is it Sherlock? " Chen asked. "It was Kimmy" I said before sighing. "I thought you said that you didn't speak to her anymore" Xiumin asked confused and angry at the same time. "I didn't, she threatened Mina's life when she saw.." I paused debating on telling the members about Mina and I.
"Saw what?" Tao asked.
I just decided to tell them the truth. What else do I have to lose. "Saw me and Mina in the janitors closet" I said. "Don't tell me you guys were" Kai started before I cut him off. "Ani, we were just making out. Me and Mina were seeing each other secretly over the last two months. And Kimmy said if I kept seeing Mina,that she would end up hurt. So i had to do what I had to do." I said explaining.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Suho asked while the others agreed. And once I thought about it,I really don't know why. I guess I was kind of embarrassed about actually liking a girl when I'm known as the playboy.
"I was embarrassed" I said shamefully. I heard Baekhyun laugh.
"Whats so funny?" I asked. "I knew the maknae had his eye on someone " he said before continuing to laugh.
"Where do you think Kimmy would take her?" Lay asked. And then I started my thinking.
We were brain storming ideas of where she could be but none of them seemed accurate. Then a light bulb went off in my head.
"I know where she might've taken Mina" I said standing up. All the members gave me their attention. "Where?" Chanyeol asked. "Do you remember where we yous to live" I asked while the boys nodded their heads. "Well I think that Mina's there" I said. "And why would they be in our old house?" Kai asked scrunching his face up. "Well it would be to easy if it was at their house. And plus that's where me and Kimmy spent most of our time when we were together " I said. "So? I still don't get it" Tao said. I just knew he was by going to be the one to ask that.
"Since all Kimmy wants is for us to get back together. I'm thinking she would go to the place we were at the most when we we're seeing each other." I said breaking it down. And after I explained, all the members thought that my theory was legit.
"Should we go to the house tonight " Chanyeol asked. And then I seen Chen roll his eyes. "Duh! What do you think that we're going to wait until tommorow morning and bring breakfast" Chanyeol then glared at Chen. "We should move quickly, I doubt that their expecting us this early In the plan" Suho said. And we agreed. Then we took 3 separate cars and drove to our old address.

Mina's POV

The longer I sat in the basement, the more hope I lost. It fells like I've been here for days. My mouth and throat was dry and my skirt was rising up. And i couldn't pull it down because my hands were cuffed. It made everything ten times worse. Especially since most of the people here were dudes.
"Let me out of here!!" I screamed. I figured if I was trapped down here. I might as well try to see if I can sneak free. I didn't know how I was going to do it but it was worth a shot.
"Shut up" I heard this man yell from a distance. But I didn't listen. "Help Me!!!" I yelled and this time I heard people coming down the steps and over to where I was. This very muscular and young looking man walked up to me and grabbed my face with one hand and squeezed hard. I grunted in pain. "I told you to shut up" he said glaring at me. I looked into his eyes and didnt see anything but darkness in them. Thats when I grew scared.
"You got it" he said snatching his hands away. Creating more pain than it already was. "Go to Hell" I said boldly. And he looked at me and smirked. "Your cute,I might just keep you here for myself" he said before touching my upper leg. I squirmed away from his touch. He then chuckled and stood up and then walked back up the steps. When I heard a door close. I started to cry,how is anybody going to find me down here?

It seemed like I cried so much that there was no tears left. I was hungry and my body was feeling weak. Something told me that this is my last shot at escaping. I should try again with the little energy that I had left. I then screamed to the top of my lungs for as long as I could. And before I knew it,that same man was standing infront of me. "Didn't I tell you to shut up" he yelled. And I started to yell again,not caring about what he just said. The without warning, he slapped me across my face. The stinging I felt was unbearable and seemed endless."Ahh!" I yelped in pain. "I won't hit you as long as you cooperate" he said still darting his eyes at me,but I wasn't giving up. I tried to shake free and was making a lot of noise in the process. Then when that didn't work,I tried screaming again. I know if I tried to keep it up,someone was bound to hear me. So I yelled again and this time the man punched me in the cheek. But I didnt give up. He kept hitting me until I couldn't take it and blacked out.

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