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Mina's POV

Over the past couple of days. I have returned back to school. But everything was different now. I still hung out with the boys. But Sehun was never around. He's not even in most of my classes anymore. And when he is,he doesn't even speak to me.
I thought about all that has happened and the boys told me that he fought for me. In my honor. And I could definitely tell since he has scars on his face. But why would he do that,and still not speak to me. It bothers me a lot more than I would like to admit. I'm worried about him.

Sehun's POV

I can't take it anymore. I've been trying my best to stay away from Mina. But it's getting hard. All I want to do is hug her and kiss her. And tell her I'm sorry. But I can't do that. She loves someone else now and I have to accept that.
I even took it apon myself to change some of my classes. Because I thought it would make it easier for me. And I was wrong again. I was always wrong about stuff like this. Why did I have to mess up something in my life that I actually cared about. I didn't care about any of the other girls that I had relations with.
I've been alot more distant from my members as well. I'm in my room most of the time that I'm not in school.
And I just look through me and Mina's messages and pictures. I feel like I'm going through a break up. Even though me and Mina never dated. I wish I took that extra step but I was being the pabo I'm not proud of.
I was laying on my bed under to covers on a Saturday. When I heard a knock on my door. I didn't say anything, hoping who ever it was would think that I was sleep since I had my back to the door.
I heard the door open, but I didn't change the position that I was laying in.
"Sehun I know your not sleep" Kai said. But I still didn't move. I heard Kai's foot steps walk closer to me and pull the comforter back. Revealing me in my pajamas.
"Sehun I want to talk to you"
"About what?" I mumbled already knowing the answer. "You. Why have you been acting so weird. Its not like you to be to yourself and alone" Kai said. "People change" I said with my back to him.
"Your the needy maknae of the house. You strive for attention. And when you don't get it when you want it. You steal it from others. Sehun you've always been like that." Kai said. I didn't say anything for a moment. Then I finally turned around in my bed and sat up. Which gave Kai space to sit beside me.
"Now what's really wrong with you?" Kai asked.
"I messed up" I said putting my head in my hands. "With who Mina?" He asked. I just nodded. "Why do you say that" he asked.
"I said some things to her that were unforgivable. Now I'm pretty sure that she doesn't ever want to see me again" I said. "I wouldn't be so sure about that" Kai said. I lifted my head up fast and looked in his diretion.
"What?" I said.
"I said that I wouldn't be so sure about that"
"I heard what you said. But what do you mean?" I asked.
"Well since everyone noticed that you've been distant. We thought that you just needed time. But Mina on the other hand asked about you frequently " Kai said raising his eyebrows.
"Really? " I said surprised. "Ne, I think that you should go talk to her." Kai suggested. "Why is she here?" I asked. "No, you should go speak to her at her home." Kai said.
"I still don't know about this Kai" I said unsure. "What are you waiting on Sehun. Its either now or never" Kai said before he got up and walked out of the room. I sat on the bed for a little while longer. Before I decided to go over Mina's. Even if she doesn't like me anymore. I still have a couple of things to get off of my chest. I put on the first thing that I found and made my way out of the house. And when I was at the door, I seen Kai smile at me and nod his head. I nodded my head back and left.
The drive to her house gave me a little anxiety. I didn't know how she was going to react to me being there unannounced. Or what I'm going to say. But it was a risk I just had to take.
I pulled up in front of her house. And got out of the car and walked up to the door. I took a deep breathe before I knocked on it. It was quiet before I heard the door being unlocked and opened.
But the person at the door was Mina's mom. "Hi can I help you" she said. I gulped and cleared my throat before speaking.
"Hello Im Sehun, and I'm looking for Mina. Is she here?" I asked. "Your Sehun" Mina's mom asked. Did she know me?
"Ne" I said hesitantly. "Mina's went to the market. She'll be back soon. Come in please" she said before stepping aside and letting me in. I nodded and walked in.
"You can wait for her in her room. Just walk up the steps and make a right" she said. I bowed slightly. Then proceeded to walk up to her room. Since I've been in here before. Everything wasnt completly new to me. I sat on the table that was near her door. And put my hands in my pockets.
I gazed at the floor as I waited for Mina's arrival. I wonder why Mina's mom said my name like she already knew me. I'm pretty sure Mina talked about me to her. But I doubt it was good things. I heard the door open down stairs and heard Mina yell her moms name.
Here goes nothing.

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