New Color

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Mina's POV

"Bye umma be safe" I said to my mom as she was leaving. "You too and since you don't have school today I want you fold the laundry. " my mom said before she left out the house. Not even giving me time to respond.
I lied and told her i was out of school for the next two days because of exams.That's the only way she would let me miss more than one day of school. I watched her from the window just to make sure she was really leaving. When I saw her car going down the street, I texted Baekhyun and told him we were in the clear.
The whole thought of my mom thinking Baekhyun was my boyfriend didn't really bother me. I look at Baek as my best friend. So I know me and him have an understanding when it comes to that.
I was watching TV when I heard a knock at my door. Knowing who it was, I didn't even bother to look through the peep hole. I opened it up to a relaxed Baekhyun.
"Morning Mina-shi " Baekhyun said before ruffling my bed hair and walking in. I closed the door and walked into the living room.
"Want anything to drink?" I asked but he declined. It became quiet as we began to watch tv. And my mind started to wonder. With two days left. I knew I would have to face Sehun soon. And I was not ready.
"What's wrong Mina?" Baekhyun asked. "Nothing why'd you ask?" I said returning another question to him. "Come on Mina, no one sits there looking like that for fun." Baekhyun said turning in my direction. I didn't say anything and just looked down at my tea. I don't want to tell Baekhyun because I don't even feel comfortable thinking about it. Let alone talking about it. "Lets do something that's very unusual for a regular person to think off" Baekhyun said breaking the silence. "And what would that be?" I asked.
I didn't know where Baek was going with this. But I knew he was about to tell me." I think we should go and get a new look" Baekhyun said. I started to laugh because I thought he was joking. But soon found out that he was serious.
"Where did that come from?"I asked. "I don't know,whenever I feel down about something. I do that so I can look and feel like a new person " Baekhyun said. I just looked at him blankly for a second. "Where would we even go to get that done?" I asked. "Oh don't worry, I know just the place" he said before standing up and helping me do the same. "Hurry and get dressed. We're leaving in 10" Baek said before pushing me slightly up the stairs. "Okay okay sheesh" I said before heading in my room to get ready.

We pulled up to a very fancy looking building. Baekhyun got out of the car as I did the same. We walked in and he went up the from don't desk. I looked around the building confused. If the place looked so fancy on the outside. Why does it look so regular on the inside? The place looked like a doctors office. With bland colors and boring décor. I wasn't sure I wanted my makeover done here.
When Baekhyun walked back over to me. I had to ask about this place." Why did you bring me here? " I asked looking at him. "What, this is where we're getting our hair dyed" he said back. "But it looks like I'm supposed to be here for a doctors appointment " I said whisper yelling. Baekhyun just chuckled and told me to follow him. He walked past a lot of rooms and we reached one that was further than the rest.
He let me open the door first. So when I walked in,I was speechless. It was like I was in a different place. The room seemed lively. It was colorful and the stylist had their own personality. And it was definitely shown through their individual appearance.
"Baekhyhn your back" I heard someone yell. Baekhyun turned around and hugged this lady. "Neh, I'm here to get my usual" he said happily. "Oh that's nice,and who is this?"the lady asked looking at me. "This is my friend Mina and she came to get her hair done too" Baek said speaking for me. "Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Minschi but you can call me Butterfly" Minschi said with her hand out. I happily shook it. "Well let's get going Baekhyun you can go to David while I'll do Mina's hair" Minschi said before walking me over to a styling chair.
"So what do you want done today" she asked looking at me through the mirror. "Something that would make me look different but elegant at the same time" I said hoping it was enough of a description. "I know exactly what to do " Minschi said smiling.

After lots of washing and dying later, I was finished. "Are you ready to see your new look?" Minschi asked excitedly. "Yes" I said before she turned my around in the chair. I saw my hair and almost screamed in joy. I looked My hair was a nice dark brown color and I thought I looked great. She had it pinned up so I couldn't wait until i got home to let it down.
"Do you like it?" Minschi asked. "Of course I love it. Thank you!" I yelled before getting up and hugging Minschi tightly. "Whats all the yelling about "? I heard Baekhyun say from behind me. I turned around and when we saw each other. We and the same surprised expression. Baekhyun's hair was black before he came and got it dyed. Now his is the same dark brown color as mines.
"Omo! You have the same color" I said with wide eyes scanning him from every angle. "Wow your hair looks good. Its weird not seeing you as a blonde anymore " Baekhyun said reaching up to touch my hair. "I know it's going to take some getting yous to" I said turning around to look in the mirror again.
"Shall we leave to show off our new looks" Baekhyun said jokingly."We shall after I pay" I said but before I could get my money out. Minschi stopped me. "Don't worry about it,it's on the house" Minschi said cheesing. "Aww thank you, I will pay when I come back" I said bowing before me and Baekhyun left.

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