The Truck

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Mina's POV

The bell rung for lunch and I couldn't wait. I was starving for some odd reason. So I was trying to rush to get food. I was one of the first ones in the cafeteria today so when I walked through the line. It was moving faster than usual.
I sat at the table and Xiumin and Suho were there already because they packed their lunch today.
"Mina your here early" Suho said.
"Im really hungry today. So I decided to come earlier" I explained while he just nodded his head. Shortly after that,the other members came and sat at our table.
It was odd when i first started to eat lunch with them since I was the only girl.But Im comfortable around all of them now.
"Hey does this make me look like a walrus? " Chen asked before sticking chopsticks in the corners of his mouth.
Well some more than others. I was sitting in between Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. I looked over to Baekhyun and he was picking with his food. I forgot that I needed to talk to him. I'm going to take this chance now.
"Hey Baekhyun,can I see you for a moment please" I asked and he silently agreed. I then walked out of the cafeteria and sat on a nearby bench. He walked up and sat beside me. Not saying a word. And that began to worry me.
"What's wrong oppa,you seem down" I asked looking at him. But he didn't say anything. He just kept looking at the floor in silence.
"Baekhyun can you say something please" I begged waiting on any type of reaction he could conjure up.
He finally looked up. And I saw nothing but guilt in his eyes.
"Mina I put you in danger and I'm sorry" He said sadly.
"No you didn't Baekhyun" I said softly. "Yes I did Mina, if I didn't offer to drive. This would've never happened " He said standing up.
"Well you were being a complete gentleman for asking in the first place" I said back.
"Thats not the point. We were almost hit by a truck. Then I almost hit a tree. And what if we did hit the tree. It would've been all my fault" Baekhyun said running his hands through his hair. I then stood up so that I could be standing in front of him.
"Baekhyun if you didn't steer the car into the park. Then we would both be in the hospital. That means that you actually saved my life." I said in an calm manner. I saw his face brighten when I said so.
"Do you mean that Mina, or are you just saying that?" Baekhyun asked still unsure of himself. "I meant every word. Your still my best friend right?" I said smiling. Baekhyun gave me his rectangular smile before he hugged me "Of course!"
I hugged back before he let go. "Now let's go back. I'm still hungry" I said jokingly before we made our way back into the cafeteria.
"Ay there goes the happy beagle we know so well" Chanyeol said smiling like always. I laughed and sat back in my seat and began eating my ramen.

Lunch was over and the rest of the day flew by like always. I was walking home because I wanted to. And I seen this car slow down beside me. But when I looked over, I didnt reconigze it. It wasn't any car that I've seen the boys have at their house. So I began to walk faster. And thats when the car started going faster.
I started running and didn't stop until I was in my house. I peeped out of the window and saw the car stop. Then after ten minutes it pulled off. I started to get scared so I called Baekhyun. And after 2 rings,he picked up.

"Hey Mina, your home already? " Baekhyun asked happily. But I was too out of breath and scared to notice.
"Mina are you okay? Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Baekhyun there was this car and it was following me." I said with my voice getting shaky.
"Are you hurt? Where are you now?"he asked alarmed.
"No I'm at home. It was parked outside of my house for a while. Then the car just pulled off and left" I said.
"Hold on stay there. I'm on my way" he said before he hung up.
My mom wasn't home so I was left alone with my thoughts until he showed up.
I walked to my door and opened it up to Baekhyun,Tao,Kai and Sehun. Since Baekhyun was the first one who was there when I opened the door. He hugged me and quickly let go. I ushered everyone inside and told them to walk with me up to my room. Once everyone was in there. I sat on my bed and Sehun sat beside me. While the rest of the boys sat on the floor.
"So what happened noona"? Tao asked. "I don't know Tao. I was just walking like I always do when a car slowed down beside me" I said.
"You didn't know who the car belonged to" Kai asked. "No, it was more like a truck. And i don't know anyone with a truck " I said honestly. Then I seen Baekhyun frown his eyebrows together for a moment.
"Wait Mina,what did the truck look like?" Baekhyun asked.
"Um it was an all black one with white lining " I said remembering vividly.
"Oh no. Mina that's not good" Baekhyun said. "Why do you say that hyung?" Sehun asked. Baekhyun took a deep breath before continuing. "Thats the same truck I saw the night we were almost hit" he said lowley.
"Are you sure. It was dark you know" Sehun asked. "I'm more sure than I've ever been. I seen the truck on the opposite side of the road before I took my eyes off the road for a second. Then I guess it swerved into our lane." He responded.
"But what would they want with me?" I asked. But I know that neither of them had the answer.

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