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Sehun's POV

It's been two days and Mina hasn't came to school. And that's unlike her,considering that she's usually here everyday. I heard she has perfect attendance. So this is weird. But hey, she could be sick or something. I don't know and I shouldn't care.
I walked down the hallway to gym class. I wanted to be on time because Miss Chan is starting to write me up for everyday that I'm late. And the college board could kick me out if I'm not careful.
I quickly changed into the appropriate attire and walked onto the soccer field. And I was just in time because after I sat down. Miss Chan walked onto the field too. She was talking about taking our physical and what not. I was listening until Chanyeol tapped me on my shoulder.
"Hey did you see Baekhyuns car in the driveway before you left for school" Chanyeol asked me.
I left for school a little later than everyone else did today."Neh,why?" I asked turning in his direction. "Because when I went back to get my literature book, his car wasn't there" Chanyeol said.
"Hmm is that so" I said intrigued. Baekhyun's been acting weird over these past couple of days. Yesterday we came home from school and saw that his hair was a different color.


"Hyung did you bring your key,I forgot mines on my dresser" I said to Suho. "Yes I do" he said before stepping in front of me and unlocking the door. We walked in and went into the kitchen for our usual snack. And I saw Baekhyun sitting on a stool eating an apple.
"You dyed your hair?" Tao asked staring at Baekhyun with wide eyes. Baekhyun just responded by nodding his head yes. "Woa, we need to pay Minschi a visit." Lay said while eating a cookie. Everyone hummed in agreement. Is everyone ignoring the fact that he's supposed to be sick. If I was sick,I wouldn't go and get my hair dyed. This raised my suspicions once again. "So I guess your feeling better than huh" I asked smirking at Baekhyun. "I'm gradually getting there" he said with his voice sounding raspy. He's faking.
"Thats right, I brought the work you missed. So I guess you can make it up tomorrow " Suho said patting Baekhyun on the back.
"So why did you get your hair dyed hyung?" I asked. "Because I was feeling down so that usually cheers me up " Baekhyun said keeping up his sick act. "You know he always does that when he's down so,why'd you ask?" Kai asked which made everyone look at me. "I didn't know if today was one of those times or not" I lied before I went upstairs to my room.


I started to think back to yesterday and based on what I was told today. I knew something was up.
School came to an end and I was on my way to the market. I had to go get stuff for Kyungsoo so he can make dinner for us. He gave me a list of supplies to get so when I went into the store I started searching for the items.

Mina's POV

"Okay mom I'll be right back" I said before closing my door back. I was walking to the market so I could get my mom some cabbage so she can make her famous cabbage kimchi. The walk was somewhat far but I didn't mind. Walking does things to relax my mind.
I reached the store and walked in. I spotted the cabbage right away. I walked up to the stand and grabbed two cabbage heads.
"Who knew it was going to be such an in and out trip" I said to myself out loud. I turned around and was about to walk up to the register when I spotted someone. My heart dropped instantly at the sight of him.
Sehun was here!
I saw him looking for something. I couldn't go up and pay for my things without him seeing me. But I knew the longer I stayed. The more chances of him catching me.
I quickly walked up and stood in line behind this old man. He only had two things so how long could he take.
I kept my hair over my face so i could be harder to identify. The man in front of me got his things rung up and it was time for him to pay. The old man slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.
I stood in line a lot longer than I expected. The old man in front of me was so slow, that it was almost painful. When it was my turn to get rung up I heard someone say something behind me.
"Finally " I reconigzed that voice. How could Sehun be behind me already? Thanks a lot old man. When the cashier rung up my things I hurried up and payed. I then grabbed my bag and tried my best to keep my back Sehun in the process.
I was about to leave when I accidentally dropped my bag. I was trying to pick it up but stopped when I saw Sehun pick it up first.
"Oh here you dropped this" he said handing me the cabbage. I grabbed the bag quickly before speed walking out of the market.
When I was out of sight of the store ,I ran the rest of the way home. By the time I reached the kitchen,I was out of breath.
"Yah why do you look so tired " I heard my mom ask. "Oh...I just.. decided....to jog home" I said leaving the cabbage on the counter and walking up to my room. I collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I had to face Sehun tomorrow. I basically faced him today,but I knew tomorrow was going to be different. I sighed heavily before taking out my phone and checking the weather. Its that time of the year when the tempature starting to drop.
Tomorrow going to be cold so I was debating on what to wear. But then I thought of something. Maybe when Sehun sees my new look,he might not want to talk to me. But did I want that? To be honest I don't know what I wanted anymore.

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