Im Done

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Mina's POV

Two months later.

Me and Sehun have gotten a lot closer. To the point where he even started showing his affection for me to the public. It was like i was his girlfriend. But just without the title. He would constantly offer to drive me places. And would always want to be around me. Everything was great in my eyes.
But until recently he's been acting strange and that's unlike him. He's been distant from me. And I've been trying to figure out if It was something I did wrong.
Yesterday I went to his house to figure out the problem. But that conversation went absolutely no where.


I was sitting on Sehun's bed while he was sitting beside me on his phone. Completely ignoring my existence. I began to glance over at his phone. And I saw that he was texting someone. I couldn't make out the name but whoever it is. They must be alot more interesting than me.
"Sehun" I said breaking the silence. He looked up from his phone at me and then looked back before answering."Ne". "Why are you so quiet? " I asked. But he didn't say anything. He just kept smirking at his phone. I rolled my eyes and scooted to the farthest end of his bed and got on my phone as well. I felt him look at me ,but that's all he did. He didnt say anything to make me feel better like he yous to. All he did was look at me. And when I had enough of that. I got up and walked to his door. "I'll see you later" I said lowly. "Bye" he said.
And that hurt my feelings more than I thought it would. Bye? Thats the only thing you've said to me today besides. Ne. I shut the door fast and walked down stairs. Luckily none of the other members noticed that I was leaving. Because I didn't feel like explaining my current state.
I just walked home in the cold. I was secretly hoping Sehun would come after me and drive me home like he yous to. But to my disappointment. He didn't.


Today was Sunday so I was planning on staying in and relaxing before Monday comes around again. So I walked downstairs in my fleece onzie and made myself some hot chocolate. Then I walked over and sat on my couch and watched old movies. The weather outside was dark and gloomy. And I liked days where it was like that because it set the mood right for my type of activity. My day was starting to make me in a better mood. But all I kept thinking was, if Sehun was here. It would be a lot better.
Not long after I started the second movie, I heard the door bell ring. And since my moms away on another business trip. I had to get up and get the door. And to my surprise ,I opened it up to Sehun. But he didn't look to happy.
"Hi Sehun, what are you doing here? " I asked. "Mina I need to talk to you" he said blandly. "Okay" I mumbled before I stepped aside to let him in. I then walked onto the living room and sat on the couch that was big enough for two people. "Have a seat" I said.
"Oh there's no need. This won't take long" he said with his poker face. And that's never a good sign. "Well what's wrong " I asked nervously.
Sehun took a deep breath. "Your what's wrong. I'm tired of being mad when your around another male that's not me. I'm tired of not being able to think straight over these past couple of weeks. I can't get myself together with you around. I just want to be done with you" Sehun said without an inch of emotion showing. My vision all the sudden became blury.
"Was it something I did? I don't understand " I said with tears now streaming down my face.
"I'm just not interested in you anymore. Your boring and I need someone I can have fun with. So don't call or text me. Lose my number because I already lost yours" he said before he left and walked out of my house.
I sat there and let everything that he just said set in. And when it did, all I could do was cry. How could he be this cruel to me. Its almost like these past weeks didn't mean anything. I should've seen this coming. He's known for playing with girls feelings. I was just hoping I could change him for the better.

Sehun's POV

I closed the door to Mina's house and speed walked to the car. And once I was in, I pulled around the corner and parked there. Then I just sat there with my head in my hands.
I didn't want to do this to Mina. But it was what's best for her and me. It was the only way I could keep her safe.
2 weeks ago I found out that Kimmy and her brothers were behind the whole car incident Baekhyun and Mina had. And Kimmy told me that if I kept seeing her that she could end up hurt. And I couldn't let that happen. So I began to be distant and I was hoping with the way I was acting yesterday, that Mina would just break it off with me. But she didn't, she's not that type of person I guess.
I had to be cruel in order for her to never talk to me again. And now the deed is done so there's nothing I can do about it now.
And besides, I'm yous to my playboy ways. So it shouldn't be that hard to get back into the groove of things. I shook off my feelings and proceeded to go home. When I arrived, I walked into the kitchen where the members we're eating lunch and I just joined in on the conversation like nothing happened. If I keep this up, it'll be like I never met Mina in the first place. And that doesn't seem like such a bad thing now that I think about it. Some of the things that I said to her, were true.
I was always paranoid about her doing to me. What I yous to do with other girls. And I wasn't ready to gamble my heart like that.

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