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Mina's POV

I can't believe what I just heard. He promised me he would never bring it up again. I dont even know how I ended up in the janitors closet. But I just happened to be in there. I locked the door because I didn't want to be disturbed by Baekhyun or anybody. After what Sehun just did, I wasn't going to tell another soul about my eating disorder.
"Mina" Baekhyun yelled. But I didn't say anything. I heard him and Tao call my name a couple more times before they left the hallway. I waited at least 10 more minutes before I walked out of the closet.
I made it up in my mind right then and there that I was skipping the rest of the school day and was going home. I don't want to see Sehuns face. So I walked back to lunch to get my stuff. And since i was in A lunch. There was a different set of kids In the cafeteria now. But there was no one at the table that I saw my bag sitting on. So I walked up and grabbed it quickly.
I was about to turn and walk out when I saw Kimmy glaring at me from the doorway. Since she left me at the mall that day. I tried to talk to her but she ignores me now. And I don't know what I did wrong.
"Hi Kimmy " I said but she didn't say anything. She walked past me and was going to sit with her friends. I shrugged it off and proceeded out of the cafeteria. And started on my way home.
Since its late fall. The weather out side has dropped tremendously. I pulled my jacket tighter on me to keep me warmer. I saw a truck coming down the street. But I ignored it since we had a new family move in up the street from me.
By then I started to wonder. "The family up the street doesn't drive a black truck, with white lining " I said lowley to myself. Then it hit me,I know where I remember that truck from.
I then heard foot steps behind me. And they were moving fast,and the sound was getting closer. But before I could turn around. I felt this cold cloth put over my mouth and nose. I tried to scream. But the cloth smell was so strong that it stung my throat. The pain was overwhelming but everything suddenly went away when everything around me went black.

I woke up in a dark room that I couldn't see in. I didn't even know where I was. "Help! " I yelled hoping in was somewhere near the public. "She's awake" I heard a male voice say. Then suddenly lights came on and I saw that in was in a damp and cold basement. I was handcuffed to an near by pole. I tried to escape even though I knew it was impossible.
I heard someone walk in the room but they we're standing on the side of the basement that didnt have lighting.
"Who are you and why are you doing this?" I asked fiercely. Then to my surprise I heard a feminine giggle.
"Well hello man stealer, I see your awake and talking "
That voice couldn't be from. "Kimmy?!" I said. "Bingo" she said finally stepping into the light. "What are you doing? I thought you we're my friend." I said shocked. "Oh Mina get over it. I was never your friend I just wanted to know if you were seeing Sehun or not" Kimmy said before smirking. "Well I'm not, so you don't have to worry. Can I go now" I asked still trying to break free from the handcuffs. "Oh no Mina,see I need you for my plan to get Sehun here. And if everything goes like it's supposed to I'll set you free" Kimmy said. "And what if everything doesn't go to plan. What will you do to me then " I asked somewhat scared of the response. "Then your never leaving. Because you won't be alive "

Baekhyun's POV

The bell rung to signal that the day was over. I plan on going to Minas house because she wasn't in my classes after lunch. It worried me not to know what's wrong with my best friend. So I was walking to my car. I was originally going to her house by myself. But Tao and Kai said that they wanted to come. I didn't care so we all got in and left the campus property. It didn't take long before we arrived at her house. There were no cars in the driveway so I'm assuming that her moms not here. I walked up and knocked on the door. But after a couple of failed attempts, i decided to call her.
I had the phone up to my ear waiting for her to answer. Before I heard ringing in the distance. I looked at Tao and he looked back at me. Then we saw Kai walk down the street towards the ringing. He then walked back with a pink phone in his hands. "This looks like Mina's phone" Kai said while scanning it.
Then I became worried. "Mina would never just leave her phone on the ground." I said. "Lets walk back to see if we can find something else" Tao suggested. We all agreed and walked back to the spot where the phone was. And not to far from that,we found Mina's bookbag on the ground to.
"You don't think that-" Tao started before I cut him off. "Its a possibility Tao. We have to go tell the rest of the members. I think Mina was kidnapped " I said before we all walked back to my car.
I speeded back to our house and jumped out of the car fast. I then bursted into the house and called an immediate house meeting. When all the members we're finally sitting in the living room. I then shared the news on Mina.
"You think she was kidnapped, what makes you say that?" Chen asked. "We found her stuff sitting on the sidewalk a couple blocks from her house" Kai said. "But who would do this?" Suho asked. And that's when the room became uncomfortably quite.
"I think I know who took her" Sehun said finally speaking.

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