Author's Note

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Hey, there, strangers and/or not-so-strangers!

Before you dive into this story, I'd like you to know a couple of things first, alright?

1. This is a story written by a fifteen year old. Therefore, you can't expect a higher level of speech. Everything was written fast, nothing was edited, and my first language isn't English. There are many grammatical mistakes.

2. Again, this book was written by a fifteen year old. Don't anticipate the maturity of characters, much less them making responsible, thought-out decisions. Sometimes they will, other times they won't. They're mostly idiots.

3. As I wasn't old enough to properly grasp the importance of some concepts, I'm sorry I couldn't specify more clearly that my characters were never meant to be homophobic, racist or abusive. They're stupid, rude and ridiculous, but not the kind to purposefully cause harm over their beliefs.

4. Don't think you can be rude in the comments just because you talk about fictional people. You have the right to an opinion, you have the right to sharing it, just don't be rude about it. I can deal with critics, but I won't deal with jerks. I'll delete the whole story if you can't have some respect for me, as the writer, and for each other, as the readers.

5. The things that aren't clear, they were probably mentioned in the comments. If you can't find said answers to your questions, you're free to comment the inquiries here. I'll answer them as soon as possible.

6. Don't ask me to edit the story or revamp it or whatever. I won't. Not in the nearby future, at least. You don't like it as it is, nobody's forcing you to read it.

With that being said,

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