✿ Chapter Thirteen - Hospital

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I was looking around the hallways like a crazy woman, terrified of what the nurse told me on the phone when she called. Actually, terrified would've been an understatement. I had no idea where to go or what to do, all I wanted to do was see my son.

"Mrs Paxton?" A masculine voice questioned behind me, making me jump and turn around in a second.

Before my eyes, stood a black haired man with brown eyes and pale, pinkish skin, probably younger than me and definitely good looking. If my mind wouldn't have been on my son I would have drooled at the man's sight. "Yes?"

"Are you here for Cole Rhett Paxton?" He rose a thick, black brow, his eyes on the tablet in his arms.

No, I was here for my dead uncle. "Obviously. Where is he? What happened?" I was just as irritated as he was.

He looked at me with a bit of anger, then spoke up, "Room 221. He suffered injuries in his abdomen and ribcage area, two of his ribs getting broken. He is fine, but I highly recommend him to not get into any physical activities or force himself for the following weeks. He needs to heal and he won't be able to do it without taking his time."

I nodded, processing all of his words carefully. "Thank you, doctor." I blurted out, hurrying past him towards the room. The moment I entered, I saw my boy rolling his eyes at the nurse that was bandaging his scratched cheek and chest.

"I don't need all of this, lady." He said with annoyance, pulling one off from his peck.

"The hell you don't need it, boy?" I questioned with a thick, angered tone.

His brows inched towards his hairline, his eyes slowly traveling towards me. The nurse sighed, backing away and looking at me. "He's not cooperating, ma'am."

"Oh, I'll make him cooperate." I walked towards his bed, hitting the back of his head harshly. He was covered with scratches and red marks that would've left bruises. His nose was scratched, his left eye was swollen, his cheeks were cut like his lower lip. "What's in your head, boy? How can you say you don't need help? You're covered in blood and bruises! Do you want me to whoop your ass to see how much help you need?!?" I shouted, not giving a crap less of how threatening I looked.

"Sorry, Mom..." Cole's eyes lowered to the ground, looking like an innocent, hurt puppy.

I sighed, shaking my head. Without asking for permission, I sat down in bed next to him, tilting my head on the side. "It's your health, baby. I know you don't think this is serious, but it is. Every little or big wound you get is serious. And don't give me that "I'm fine" nonsense, I can see very well how "fine" you are." My tone sweetened warmly, my palm rubbing circles on his straight back. He turned at me, pulling me in a tight hug as he exhaled with relief. I hugged him back, less tighter to avoid hurting him more. "What happened, baby?"

He didn't speak a single word as the door clicked closed, acknowledging me of the nurse's disappearance. He sharply inhaled, exhaling quickly again.

"I was caught in a corner by some guys I messed with at a bar and... I guess they weren't that fond of me after our little argument." He spoke with that nonchalant and playful tone, that angered me even more than the words he spoke.

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