✿ Chapter Eighteen - Roses

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I put the phone to my ear after picking up, smiling as I approached the flowers.

"Hello?" I asked in the sweetest tone I could ever use.

"Hi, Sam," he started lowly, like a guilty puppy begging for forgiveness, "how are you?"

"I'm actually doing great..." I replied, leaning on my chair, feeling myself all mushy.

I never was like this after receiving flowers, but orange roses were my favorites. I had a very soft spot for my favorite things.

"Good to hear," he hummed, clearing his throat, "I was thinking we could meet up tomorrow night, seeing that we left things pretty much unfinished last night."

"Yeah," the word "no" rose on my tongue, but it was the opposite of what I actually said, "I think that'd be great. At what hour are you picking me up?"

"Seven, what do you say?"

"Yep! Thanks, by the way, for the-"

"There's no need to thank me, really."

Okay, then, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you, darling!"

I hung up, biting my lip as I kept staring at the beautiful bouquet. I missed receiving orange roses from a man other than my son, I truly did.

Now, even if I had my doubts about Damian, I could only think he wasn't as bad as I thought. When I told Liane, she was amazed, dumb struck, but she totally supported me to go for it. When I got home, I told Cole and he wasn't as supportive. He didn't like Damian, he made that pretty clear.

I went to bed earlier, exhausted from the joy and excitement the day's been giving me. I found myself glaring at the blue dress that was making me look fat through the mirror. I was about to change it, when my phone rang again. I picked it up in the hope that I wasn't searched by my ex boss how I've been for the past several hours.

I wasn't that lucky.

I rolled my eyes, deciding to stop ignoring his calls. "Yes?" The man was a fucking delight in bed, there was no way around it, but I had to remind myself how he couldn't be more. He couldn't be the loving boyfriend, maybe more, I wanted, so I just had to deal with what I got, as in Damian.

"What the hell, sugar? You sleep with me and then go out with my brother? I thought we were bonding..."

Damn, so straight forward...

"Logan," I inhaled sharply, gathering my guts to say what I was about to say, "you're not good for me. I mean, you're amazing in bed, don't get me wrong, but we won't work out as more than... friends. And I want to have a relationship, not a one night thing."

"Samantha, I-"

The doorbell rang, interrupting him from speaking. I sighed, shaking my head. "Just forget about it." I never knew I was as cold as having to break up with someone through the phone, but hell, appearances could be defying!

I hung up the phone call, leaving the dress as it was as I raced down the stairs towards the front door. I opened it widely, this time getting greeted by a box of chocolates held in Damian's big hands. Why, just why did they have to be chocolates?

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