✿ Chapter Thirty Six - Life Goes On

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Women had a problem. A big, catastrophic problem!

Why? Because for two weeks I've been waiting for Samantha to talk to me about what happened to her when she was kidnapped, and she still hadn't. She was still acting like nothing happened. It was like we were back to normal! Not that it was bad, but feeling her stir in bed and jump up after every nightmare, or hearing her cry or seeing her try to rub the cuts on her arms in her sleep, yeah, that makes me see clearly she's not over it and that we still didn't have a proper talk about it! Telling me what happened was a completely different thing from talking about what happened.

Besides that, I was starting to think my secretary had issues with her boyfriend, because she started crying whenever I talked about Samantha or with her, she started crying even when I asked if she was alright because I caught her staying alone at lunch and working instead. But I started to think it was just because she was pregnant and hormonal.

"So, with these two, fine specimen, I came to the conclusion, women had issues." I concluded, pursing my lips.

Kaleb laughed, petting my shoulder. "Man, you're in trouble!"

I rolled my eyes at my beloved best friend, who for the thousand time he acknowledged me of my women trouble. Unlike him, at least I had.

"Want me to tell you something funnier? Cole and Nathan refuse to leave her alone."

He frowned, thinking I was joking. "Annoying kids."

"No, I don't mean it like that. They literally refuse to leave her alone." I chuckled, raising the glass to my lips. "Like, last night she had to grab something from her car, and Nathan escorted her to take whatever she needed. She didn't snap yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing that happen."

"I'm starting to think you're enjoying this too much." He said, suddenly getting all serious. "You're changed, man."

"Changed?" I snorted. "I'm fucking married."

It's not literally. I saw many of you wondered if they actually got married, or if he cheated. They didn't get married and Logan didn't cheat. It's just an expression. He's whipped like he's married, that's the meaning of it. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

"Damn right you are," he agreed.

"But I wouldn't change it for the world."

He frowned hearing me. I didn't know what he expected from me. To return to my playa self? To be the monster every employee saw when they looked at me? Or maybe he wanted to go with his buddy back at picking up chicks from bars and clubs. It sucked for him, because it wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to return to my old ways and that was it.

He didn't say it, but I knew he felt lonely. He missed me. His partner in crime. I understood that, I truly did, but I missed my woman every moment I was away from her. So, yeah, I missed her more. Did that make me a bad friend? The worst, in fact. The worst and it hit me hard acknowledging that.

I guess I didn't realize how much my friend missed me until this actual moment.

"You should talk to her already," he stated, tearing me away from my thoughts, "you can't let her hold it in."

I sighed at myself. I couldn't even make my best friend talk to me, how would I make my girlfriend do it?

"You better do it before Psycho 2.0 shows up and talks to her." He warned.

I scoffed, emptying the glass. "Jerome won't talk to her if she even refuses to stay in the same room as him."

I was overreacting, but not so much. She hated his guts. It was clear. Even after trying to save her, she still hated him.

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