Chapter 20 Godric

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"Well you fucked that one up big time, brother." Gabriel sighed, shooting daggers my way.

"Yes, I realize that."

"I told you to shut up. Why couldn't you have just shut up?" Griffin looked like he wanted to kill me.

"She asked!" I shouted defensively.

"You could've just stayed silent for once in your Goddamn life." Griff grumbled.

"Alright, I know I screwed up. I wasn't trying to attack her, I was just stating the obvious." I mumbled, kicking myself for screwing up with our mate, yet again.

"Sometimes saying nothing is the best policy." Gabriel slapped me on the back of the head as he walked behind me. I swung at him but he easily avoided my fist.

"You were already on thin ice after nearly killing Waylon." Griffin said, shoving me and Gabe apart as a brawl threatened to break out between us.

"He was touching what is ours!" I growled, Quill threatening to come out as he rose to the surface. I knew my eyes were midnight black by now.

"He was comforting her. Something we have been epically failing at doing." Gabe said, not at all phased by my outburst.

"We're too much." Griffin sighed.

"What?" I snapped, struggling to reign Quill in.

"The three of us constantly going at her is too much. We said before that we needed to do single dates. Well, I think we need to start approaching her independently as well. She probably feels like we're ganging up on her, like she's outnumbered." Griff said and Quill grumbled.

"You know he makes sense." I said to Quill.

"I don't have to admit that." Quill huffed before retreating to the back of my mind.

"I'll go first." I said, moving towards the hallway.

"What?" Gabe looked surprised.

"That wasn't exactly what I meant." Griff said, looking like he wanted to stop me.

"I need to apologize before she hates me forever." I grumbled, already out the door. I wasn't about to let them stop me.

Ignoring the elevator, I took the stairs two at a time, eager to get to my mate. I hated the idea that she was mad at me as much as I hated the look of fear she gave me earlier.

The moment I stepped onto our floor I could smell the spiced apple pie aroma that waffed from my mate in delicious waves. I followed her scent to our wing and opened the door. Waylon was sitting on the couch and Harlow was wearing a path in the carpet as she paced in front of him.

Waylon jumped up when he saw me but I just waved my hand, indicating that I wasn't upset. Harlow froze and shot me a menacing glare.

"Are you here to threaten Waylon some more or judge me?" She snapped. I sighed but didn't complain because I knew I deserved that.

"Waylon, I'm sorry about how I reacted earlier and I appreciate you being there for Harlow. It's important that you have a good relationship with our Luna and I'm grateful that she has someone who makes her feel comfortable." I confessed, letting my guard down and speaking from my heart. I figured it was the only way I was going to win over my mate.

Waylon's face physically paled like he was afraid of some hidden meaning behind my apology and Harlow looked like she was going to faint.

"I...." Waylon's mouth opened and closed like a fish, "I think I might've just died."

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