Chapter 53 Gabriel

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"What in the actual hell?" Godric looked pissed off after the whole incident with Gina, Victoria, Robin, and our mate.

"We should've known they would try and pull something like that." I sighed, throwing myself down on the living room couch.

"Seriously? I've been dodging Vikki since birth and she really thought she could wiggle between me and my mate now?" Griffin was the most annoyed out of the three of us.

It was true, Vikki, Gina, and Robin were the best of friends all our lives, and they constantly followed us around ever since grade school. In middle and high school they made themselves available to us as our girlfriends. Available might not be the best word, they threw themselves at us desperately and repeatedly. Of course, Saint Griffin had none of it. He ignored, dodged, and flat out avoided Vikki every single day of school and, after a very loud and very embarrassing public shut down, she finally seemed to get the hint; or at least so we thought.

Ric and I were less chaste. I entertained Robin and Ric, Gina for whatever needs arose throughout the years. They were our first kiss, first make out, and first lay. They were our dates to the school dances and, publicly, they were our girlfriends in high school so the other she-wolves would leave us alone. Whenever we were bored, they provided the in-room entertainment. But, one thing was always obvious: they were not our mates and would never be the Luna. We never gave them false hope or lied about our intentions.

They started getting super clingy over the last couple of years and, thus, Ric and I both cut off Gina and Robin. We took a page from Griff's playbook and cut them off completely over the last year. As with Vikki, they mustn't have taken the not-so-subtle hint very well.

"If they so much as look in Harlow's direction I'll kick them out of this pack." I grumbled with a sour expression.

"If you don't, I will." Godric nodded in agreement as he fixed us some drinks.

"I can't believe how well she handled it, though." Griff said,

"Right? You were worried she would be pissed at us for not being virgins and here she is, not giving a single fuck." I laughed at him. Ric handed me a whisky, Griff a glass of bourbon, and poured a scotch for himself.

"Shut up." Griff mumbled as he tilted back the swallow of ginger liquid. He waved it around for Ric to refill.

"I mean, I don't love the fact that she flat out admitted to having, but I'm trying to be less hypocritical." Ric grunted, plopping down on the leather arm chair.

"Hypocritical seems to be our word of the month." I smirked.

"To not being hypocritical." Griff said, raising his glass in toast.

"Amen." I clinked my glass against his and threw it back.

"Anyway, Mom said that Harlow's favorite flower is a purple iris and I think that was a hint towards us to do something special for her." I said, setting down my glass.

"We should fill her bedroom with flowers and officially ask her to move in with us. Or, rather, us moving in with her." Griff suggested.

"That, my brother, is why you're the romantic one." Ric snorted.

"I have a thought as well." I cleared my throat, feeling a little nervous about my idea.

"Oh no, not Gabe thinking!" Griff pretended to be scared, fake biting his fingernails.

"Shut up," I scoffed, "Anyway, I think we should propose to her and make the Luna ceremony a wedding as well. We should do the human thing as well as the werewolf thing." I shrugged like what I was saying was so casual.

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