Chapter 43 Harlow

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We pulled up to the new front gate and immediately I could tell that something was wrong. The girls stiffened beside me and I could literally feel the nerves coming off of Gabriel in waves. I looked around the driver's seat to see that he was gripping the wheel with white knuckle intensity.

"It's another attack." Gabriel said in a tense voice.

I reached over the back of the seat to grip his shoulder and his hand immediately snatched up mine. He turned around to look at me.

"Your guards have all shifted and are surrounding the cars. We're going to drive to the packhouse and you're all going to get inside." Gabriel said with black eyes.

"Gabriel, we talked about this." I glared at him.

"Yes, and we'll talk more about it later. But, right now, this is what's happening." He said in a no nonsense tone. I sighed in frustration but gave in.

I watched out the window as Gabriel floored it down the main road. The cars were surrounded by the twelve guard wolves who didn't hesitate to kill any wolf that came near us. This had to be the largest attack yet. There was fighting and chaos everywhere. I could tell by the look on everyone's face that this was bad.

We pulled in front of the packhouse and the SUVs stopped right beside the stairs, parking in the grass so we didn't have to walk far. The guard wolves were all around us. Gabriel was out of the car and opened my door in a second. He pulled me out and carried me inside the packhouse with Waylon right behind us. The girls followed behind.

"Where are we going?" I asked Gabriel as he carried me down the hallway.

"There's a safe room inside my office." He said, kicking open the door to his office.

He fiddled with someone on his bookshelf and then it swung open, revealing a large, windowless room. He put me down inside the room and gave me a quick kiss.

"Stay in here. For real this time, Harlow." He leveled me with a serious gaze.

"I promise." I nodded, mostly because I was actually scared this time.

"Griff is on his way back. Everything will be fine." He promised me before leaving the room.

The girls all filed in with me. Waylon would be waiting in Gabriel's office and the Luna guard would be patrolling the packhouse. Waylon shut us inside the room and we were enclosed in silence.

"This is really starting to piss me off." Nova growled.

"Tell me, if I wasn't here where would you girls be?" I asked them.

"Kori and Annie would be inside the bunker. Nova and I are trained but since Nova can't shift, she usually guards the bunker or the hospital while I'm usually out in the action. But, we're happy to stay here and guard you, Luna." Matti said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I don't want to hide away. I want to be in the bunker or the hospital, helping." I grumbled.

"Once you're marked and they can sense you better, Gabriel will definitely want you to be more involved if that's what you want." Nova said,

Suddenly, there was chaos coming from outside the secret room. The girls all looked worried and quickly shuffled around the room. Kori, Annie, and I were shoved behind Nova and Matti. Viscous growls and snarls were bursting through the soundproof room and panic sank into the pit of my stomach. I knew pack wolves were out there dying.

Then, the banging started. The front wall to the safe room started to shake and then the invisible door fell open, collapsing into the room. I gasped and Matti and Nova started growling in front of me. Matti shifted, her medium sized brown wolf snarling dangerously at the intruders. Four wolves entered along with two large men who all eyed the wolf with disinterest.

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