9 | Dance The Night Away

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Nikolai's POV:

"Fuck no!" I suddenly heard screaming.

My eyes immediately jolted open, as the doors to my room suddenly slammed open.

Pictures began to shake on the walls.

I turned my head towards the door in urgency.

The hell?

Ellie stood their with her arms crossed and her phone in her hands.

I groaned as I laid back down. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I am not going to this ball with you jackass and I certainly don't appreciate you telling my brother that we would attend."

I rolled my eyes as I sat up and swung my legs to the side of the bed.

I quickly stood up as Ellie's eyes suddenly widened as she looked down.

My eyes traveled down as I realized I was wearing no shirt, just boxers. Black ones.

My dick was shaped perfectly, as I looked back up to find her almost gaulking before she turned around quickly, clearly pissed off.

"God damn it! Can you please for the love of God put on some damn shorts!"

I smirked as I walked over to the dresser and quickly pulled on some black gym shorts.

Not even bothering for a shirt.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Didn't like what you saw princess?"

She scoffed as she peaked around the corner to see if the coast was clear. And once it was, her body turned around fully.

And that's when my eyes laid upon the silky black robe that she was wearing.

I could see her black lingere peaking through.

The thong that I am sure matched.

The rhinestones that went up the collar as her bare thighs filled my mind.

The way her goregous breasts were perched against her chest. Nice and round.

Holy shit. How much I would give to run my fingers through her hair and down her whole body, so she could find out just how big this dick really is.

She took a deep breath out before exhaling.

"I am not going to to this stupid party, and especially with you." She said as she looked me up and down.

"Your still eyeing me down. How funny." I said as a smirk laid upon my face.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Will you stop being so selfish for like 2 seconds."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. And I can't control what your brother says to you princess."

She crossed her arms as she popped her hip out.

God damn it. I don't know why I was so intimidated by her standing in front of me with this God damn robe. But I was.

I wanted to rip every single piece of clothing off of her and really see what's underneath all that thin fabric.

And I am suppossed to hate her. And in fact I DO hate her. More than words can express. But that still doesn't mean I am not intrigued about her at all.

"Now look who's staring." She said with a cocky tone.

Shit. I hadn't even realized that I was staring at her.

Ellie's POV:

I suddenly felt my body tempature began to rise, as he took sudden steps towards me.

I knew I should have put clothes on. I was going to, really. 

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