19 | Forget

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Nikolai's POV:


I sat in a black office chair surrounded by some of the bosses for my company.

I worked in technology. It mainly helped out with things such as hacking and blackmailing. It was just something I excelled in.

I guess you could say I was just like my grandfather.

I was wearing a dark grey suit, with no tie as my hair was slicked back.

And even though I should be focused, my mind was elsewhere. Somewhere, it shouldn't be.


Her skin was goregous, her piercing eyes and the way they glared into mine every time my fingers pumped in and out of her, the way her lips parted every time a moan slid off her beautiful red lip.

God damn it. Just thinking about her made me want to get hard.

She was driving me crazy. And not just today.

But the past month of not seeing her as been hell.

I had missed her so much that I almost clawed out my eyes. She was becoming an addiction, and it wasn't a good thing, and if anything, it was terrible.

I should hate her. Or rather dislike her, since that's how it's been for the past 3 years or so.

But for some odd reason, being forced to stay with her for 2 weeks made me become attached to her to the hip.

And the thing is, we both KNOW that this isn't a good thing. And yet, we still decided to have sex in her office, and my dumbass decided to kiss her.

And not once, not twice, or three times. But four.

Too much. But to little at the same time.

My hands squeezed into a fist as I felt tension growing through my veins.

"So. Where are we at with this mission. I thought you were flying down to London today?" One of the bosses said to me.

All eyes now fell onto me as they waited for my response.

"I have changed plans. I will be flying down next week."

The man had grey hair and a white and blue suit that covered his strong and lean body.

His wrinkles were already setting in, letting me know he was close to retirement.

"Is their a particular reason?" He asked.

"Yes. I am planning on bringing some people down with me. Think of it as a vacation."

The guys name was Russel. He was strict as a whip. And also one of the most annoying people you will ever meet

He likes to do things his way, and only his way. And no matter how bad he wanted my company and the name. I would never sell.

Being a tech wizard in the Mafia has not only earned me millions, but has also helped me to become one of the most feared person, due to my knowledge about everyone, and my ability to find out everything about one person.

From their birthday all the way to what they ate for lunch. I could easily track it.

Russell shook his head. "The council will not be happy about you showing up late."

I scoffed. "Well, they can kiss my ass. They are lucky I am going up to London in the first place."

My assistant stood right by the door with her tablet in her one hand.

"Charlotte. Can you come over here, please?"

She gave me a quick nod as he walked over closer to me.

"I need you to schedule a flight out to London for 2 people, please."

"Of course." She responded as she began to tap on the glass.

"Who is the other person, may I ask?" Russel said.

All of the men now looked my way, some with wondering expressions, others with concerns.

"A friend."

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