41 | Trickster

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Nikolai's POV:

Fuck my life man, this meeting was practically awful.

Sitting in a office chair discussing the break in was fucking awful.

Not because I didn't want to find out who was responsible, but because I couldn't focus.

Every memory of the break-in, reminded me of the fact that I was there with Ellie. And someone had TRIED to get to her, me or even Anthony for that matter.

And so for that reason, I couldn't focus alone.

Even the mention of any little detail about Ellie, would get my mind going absolutely insane.

And the worst part of it, was that I would always constantly get upset or mad about the fact that I couldn't control it.

And as I walked back to my office from this meeting with my hands running through my hair, and my hands so tense I thought I was going to crack them to pieces.

I felt like I was about to fucking explode.

My assistant ran behind me, as she could barely keep up.

Her name was Jasmine. And don't get me wrong, she was incredibly good at her job. Sometimes TO good.

And I hated the fact that I had been shitty to her ever since I got back from the best and worst trip of my life.

"Sir. Would you like me to cancel your meeting with Mr. Bradford?"

I growled. "Yes. Tell him that I have came down with something."

She sighed out. "Ok. But before you go in your office, their is someone in there to see you."

I immediately stopped in my tracks as I turned around to face Jasmine.

I narrowed my eyes as I put my arms to my side.

"Is it a woman?"

She shook her head.


A part of me was REALLY hoping that Ellie would be in that office right now. I would run as fast as I could through the door, lock it behind me, and kiss her up and down her body and hold her so tightly that she couldn't move.

"Then who is it?" My voice sounding a little more stern than it needed to be.

"It's a male. He didn't say a name."

My eyebrows furrowed as I nodded. "Thank you. I will see to my guest now."

Jasmine didn't do anything, and instead walked past me as I turned to my right and made it to my door.

And immediately as I put my hand on the door knob, I felt a presence that wasn't familiar.

I knew that someone was in their that was dangerous and not worth my time.

But like the idiot I am, I went in anyway.

I opened the door as my eyes began to search the room to see who the hell was in here.

And as soon as I looked to one of the chairs in front of my desk my searching stopped.

And as I took a deeper look into this man, I suddenly realized it was someone I did know.

The man rose in his seat as his eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Ah. Mr. Russo. We meet again." Daniel said.

Daniel. From the party.

What was he doing here?

I shut the door behind me as I cleared my throat.

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