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Tabitha and Lilly left moments ago to find Kiana, my chosen second in command, she's always known she would take my place one day, we just didn't see it happening so soon.

Temporary barriers are going to be put in place, they won't be as strong, but they'll keep the forest hidden enough until I return.

And I fully intend to.

I try my best to ignore the Reaper sitting on the foot of my bed, watching me pack things in a bag to take with us on our travels, this will be the first time leaving in many years for me, knowing even more time has passed outside this forest fills me with a special kind of dread.

What awaits me out there?

Worry won't do me any good, but my mind continues to wander as I grab two pairs of pants, shoving one in my bag and leaving the other out to change into before we leave, grabbing a simple grey shirt for the morning, one of my favorite green tops, and some undergarments I finish packing my bag with clothes and make my way to the bathroom for hygiene products, packing lightly I grab two bars of soap and my mint paste, anything extra would be unnecessary weight, looking around I decide to grab a few herbs for spells I might need a long the way, nothing fancy, I longing look at my scented oils before deciding to leave them.

This is enough.

I make my way back into the room where Jericho is already facing the door as I walk through. "Are you finished? You should get some rest, we need to be past the tree line by sunrise, so we'll be leaving only a few hours from now. Anything you need to get done needs finished up quickly, and I'll be accompanying you during your tasks. You're Aries right hand and closest friend, and despite my interest in you, I don't trust you." He says this all with no emotion present on his face.

Anger swells up inside me. "Excuse me? I don't give a fuck about your interest in me! And secondly I volunteered to come with you, how dare you say you're just going to stalk me around till we're finished here, and last thing, I haven't trusted you from the moment we locked eyes!" I say to him, my words dripping with venom.

He stares blankly at me before rising from my bed and making his way over to me, even when I feel he's close enough he continues his advance, causing me to take a few steps back to keep distance between us, my back is suddenly against the closed door of the bathroom, Jericho leaning in impossible closer, his scent overwhelming my senses, the heat radiating from his body, his fingers trace lightly up my arms starting from my wrists and ending at my elbows, not daring to go further.

My mind feels like it's in a haze, my anger quickly diminishes as I gaze up at the man before me, my eyes betray me and dart to his full lips before I quickly bring my eyes back to his, though I know he saw, he's much too observant to have missed my moment of weakness.

He brings his lips close to my ear and I can feel his breath upon my skin. "You were coming with me no matter what, Eden." Goose bumps pebble up across my skin at his words, my body betraying me again.

His words only slightly register as his lips grow impossibly closer to my neck. "You care not for my interest, yet you haven't pushed me away." His lips graze the spot directly below my ear. "Tell me no and I'll stop, push me away and I'll give you space.." Jericho whispers against my skin as my heart races.

Tell him no?

Push him away?

How can I when I'm at a loss for words? When my body only wants to close what little distance remains between us?
When his smell and touch is intoxicating my senses, filling my mind with whispers of pleasure and desire? The heat from his body only continues to drive my need for his touch, as though I've been in pain for so long, and only his touch can heal this ache.

𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐍 The Reapers MateWhere stories live. Discover now