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I feel sick to my stomach as the world reappears before me, Jericho keeping a hold of me until I'm steady enough to stand on my own again, the smell of amber and rum filling my senses, I inhale deeply before pushing away from him slightly to take in my surroundings.

I turn in a full circle, my beloved forest nowhere in sight, despite my efforts panic sets in as I realize I won't be able to return until my mission is complete.

"I had to move us far away from the perimeter of the forest, I didn't want to risk anything seeing us appear too closely and get curious." Jericho says in a hushed tone, somehow his voice brings me comfort, and I take an obvious step towards him as I take in the darkness of the night, the forest is still thick in this area, but instead of beautiful green leaves, the trees are bare, giving a dead feeling to the land that surrounds us, the night almost completely silent, like a burial ground.

A large bird swoops in to perch on a nearby tree, startling me at the sudden movement, it looks like a large raven, but when it spreads it's wings to fly again I catch a glimpse of the reflective white specks covering the underside of it's wingspan, making it appear as though it's feathers contain a small galaxy of white stars, it's beauty leaves me stunned, I've seen many birds, but none like this.

I watch it fly into the distance before landing again and beginning a sorrowful melody that could almost bring one to tears.

A hauntingly beautiful creature.

"A nightbird." Jericho says to me, snaking an arm around my waist as he does, bringing me closer to his side.

"I've never seen one before, it's magnificent." I whisper to him, still watching the bird as it cries into the night.

"They appeared shortly after the last witch vanished. Some say they are the souls of all the witches who never came to be. Forever cursed to roam the land at night, singing their lonely song." As Jericho says this to me I feel guilt begin to claw it's way to the surface. All the witches have vanished, while we few have hidden away in the forest, safe and care free, living in ignorant bliss, while our Sisters died out completely.

But you didn't know. I tell myself, but the guilt remains.

How could I not have known...

"Those are just stories though, Eden, I didn't mean to upset you." It's as he says this that I realize tears had made their way to my face, leaving trails down my cheeks.

I wipe them away quickly, hating how vulnerable I am in this moment around Jericho, especially when it's just me and him in this darkness.

I should have waited till morning, leaving without sleeping was dumb on my part, and I'm surprised Jericho didn't insist on resting before we left the forest. I don't see how anyone could get sleep in a place like this.

"I'm sorry, you didn't upset me, it's just really hitting me.. what's happening.. What all is depending on me to succeed in this mission.. if I fail-"

"But you won't." He cuts me off before bringing his face to my hair and inhaling deeply, his action making me go completely still, unsure of what to make of his odd behavior.

He chuckles at my reaction, obviously amused. "You think I don't notice you enjoying my scent any time I'm near you, Witch?" He whispers into my ear, his breath caressing my skin.

"I-" my mind is blank, I have no come back, no words make their way forth, I was sure I was being sneaky in my awkward obsession with how this damn Reaper smells, it's almost addictive, and I'll never admit it aloud.

"It's okay." his whisper sounding more animalistic as the seconds pass. "Because I fucking love your scent too, Eden." I gasp softly at his words, and I swear my heart is beating so loud I'm sure we both can hear it, the strain in his voice does something to me, making my core begin to heat.

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