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I wake up to sunlight peaking through the small window in the room, still wrapped in Jericho's arms. I feel myself flush as images of last night play through my mind, before I decide to turn my eyes to the sleeping man holding me.

Jericho is many things, but I've never seen him look so.. Innocent. Peaceful, as if all his worries have faded away as he sleeps with his arms around me.


I'm still undressed from last night, falling asleep right after he had finished with me I hadn't put anything back on. I've just been sleeping naked within Jericho's arms all night, and I know the instant I move my body he'll wake up, I'm surprised he hasn't already with the slight movements of my head.

Despite my mind telling me I shouldn't, I've obviously developed feelings for this man, more so than I'd like. I don't just sleep around, I never have. And yet I've only known Jericho a few days and I'm already wrapped in his warm embrace after a night full of pure ecstasy.

There's just something off about this whole situation.. It's not natural, the pull I feel towards him, it's not just attraction or infatuation.. it's more.

What I don't know, but I feel like Jericho does, the way he speaks to me and treats me. The way he looks at me.

Such a big, brooding demon developed a soft spot for a light witch? Just like that? Is this just fun for him? I shouldn't have jumped so eagerly at the chance to do these things with him before talking to him. If he doesn't have feelings for me I'd rather the rest of our journey be more.. Professional. The last thing I need is a distraction right now, and what's worse is a pointless distraction.

Like falling for a man I can't have.

He needs to be upfront with me if he's going to continue doing these things with me.. My heart is not a toy.

Jericho's arms tighten around me slightly, letting me know he's awake now. He moves slightly to place a kiss on my forehead, giving me butterflies. "Good morning." He says sleepily. Goddess. He's so cute when he first wakes up.

"Morning." I say, unsure how to act now after he just had his face between my legs last night.

Oh no.. I hope he doesn't think I just sleep around, letting him in my pants so quickly might give him the wrong idea of what kind of woman I am..

Jericho gently runs his hand up and down my back, the touch comforting. "Jericho.. I don't.. Usually do this kind of thing." I hesitantly say to him, not wanting to ruin the moment, but also not sure I should let it continue without voicing some of my thoughts, he can't string me along like this on our journey.

"I'm not sure what you mean." He says as he gently releases me before sitting up in bed, his motions causing the blankets to momentarily uncover me before I bring them up to my chest as I sit up beside him in bed. "I mean I don't just.. sleep around like this." I say, not wanting to look at him as I speak. "And if I'm the only one feeling this way-"

"And what way are you feeling?" He interrupts me, in turn making me look at him slightly annoyed, but my annoyance soon vanishes as I see the intense look in his eyes.

I push my hair back and out of my face, not wanting to have this conversation while I'm naked and feeling so vulnerable. "I don't know, Jericho. Maybe you should tell me, because whatever I feel it isn't normal. And I feel like you know something about this," I say as I motion between the two of us. "and you're not telling me."

"Eden.." He trails off, no longer looking at me, seeming to decide not to answer me. "Then fuck you, I'm not doing this Jericho, I'm not a toy to play around with." I say as I yank the blankets off of him, planning to make my way to the bathroom to redress.

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