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I wrap Eden in my arms, enjoying the feel of her skin beneath my lips as I trace her jawline.

"I have a gift for you." I say to her as I pull away slightly to look her in the eye.

Immediately something seems off, her once beautiful eyes seem to have lost the spark that always resided there. From the moment I saw her, her eyes pulled me in in ways I can't put into words.

But now.. her eyes seem so.. dull.


"Are you feeling alright?" I ask, worry present in my tone.

She smiles the smile I've loved since the moment I saw it grace her delicate face, and truly all else seems normal about my mate. Everything but her eyes. They don't pull me in as they once did.

But I still feel the undeniable pull my body feels towards hers.

"I'm fine, I'm honestly exhausted. Melinoe dragged me around everywhere, showing me this and that. She's not as bad as I thought she was." She says softly to me. Maybe it's the lack of proper sleep and meals effecting Eden, that's bound to make anyone appear less lively.

As far as Melinoe goes, she used to be bearable, until she shifted her main focus from Damien to Ozul, his dark nature seemed to taint the woman.

"If you wish to spend time with Melinoe that's fine with me, but I don't want her presence lingering. I don't particularly enjoy her company." I state, knowing I want Melinoe nowhere near me, but also knowing I'd never keep Eden from gaining a friend if she so desires.

Edens lower lip pouts out slightly, the action adorable. "She's nice, I don't see why not."

"Me and Melinoe had a falling out a long time ago, we've never seen eye to eye, and it's best I maintain a distance. Plus, once you found out I'd been intimate with her you made it clear you didn't like the woman." I remind her.

Edens musical laughter fills the room. "I guess I just needed to give her a shot, instead of letting my emotions rule my judgement." At that she breaks away from my arms which she'd been wrapped in, her hips swaying in their perfectly sinful way as she walks away from me.

"Enough talk of her though, we should find Damien and Ozul and get going, we'll never catch Aries if we sit around staring at each other." She says playfully towards me as she seductively bends over to grab her pack that's laying on the floor, full of clothing and other things she'll need on our journey.

I can't help myself and walk up behind her, knowing it's what she wants, or she wouldn't be teasing me in such a way.

My assumption is confirmed as I walk up and grasp her ass in both my hands, she presses herself into my hands, silently asking for more.

Before she suddenly pulls away much to my disappointment.

She giggles and turns to look at me over her shoulder. "We have to get going, Jericho." She insists.

I grab her in my arms, bringing my lips to her ear. "Just let me bend you over real quick, we won't get another opportunity once we're traveling with the others." I whisper roughly in her ear, and just like always her body erupts in goosebumps, her slight arousal already filling the air.

"Jericho- I-" Eden begins to say breathlessly to me, before a sudden knock on the door interrupts us.

I'm never moving back into this fucking idiotic palace where I can't get a moment of peace.

I release her and make my way to the door to see who's come to ruin my fun.

I open the door and am thankful to see Damien standing on the other side, I had an odd feeling it was going to be Ozul.

𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐍 The Reapers MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang