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The morning is spent in awkward silence as we eat before packing up camp and getting ready to begin our journey again.

Eden's quick glances at Damien is only confirmation that she heard at least part of our conversation last night before I noticed she had woken up and ended it before more could be said.

I can't help the daggers my eyes shoot his way any time I feel he's looked at her too long. He's not overstepped in any way, and was even loyal enough to me as his fellow Reaper to tell me about how he's been feeling.

It doesn't make any of this feel any better, and eventually I'll need to sit down and tell Eden why this is such a sensitive topic with Damien. Why I'm not half as mad as I should be about the situation.

About how Damien had found his mate because of me, because I had found and bed her first before I had known who and what she was. It felt like an ultimate betrayal towards him despite my lack of knowledge. He may have forgiven me, but I have not forgiven myself no matter how much time has passed.

I look back in disgust at what had happened.

She was unimportant to me, a good fuck for a night and that was all. I had introduced her to Damien for the same reason. We shared Melinoe at the time, it wasn't uncommon for us to share other women when we left the underworld, as well.

He knew immediately upon seeing her that she was his mate. She felt the bond but outright rejected him when she found out what he was. She was a water nymph, and the daughter of a whore. She was living in a bad situation at the time, but still once she found out Damien was a demon she refused to see him again. I'm the only one who knows about her. Time has gone on, and his mate has long since passed away.

His chance of having a soulmate gone along with her.

Still, there is no time for these discussions until after we achieve our goal, and I feel today is the day we close in on Aries location and finish this little game of chase.

"We've been walking all day, when will we arrive?"

Damien has been quiet until now, surprising me with the lack of complaining he's usually full of on missions. He's a skilled Reaper, but he always has something to complain about along the way it seems.

"We're close to the border of the Ogre's lands. We should teleport to Aries exact location once outside their gates." I inform them.


I turn my gaze to Eden who walks beside me as I nod to confirm her question. Her beautiful face is slightly red from being in the heat for so long, her forehead forming small beads of sweat from how humid the air remains.

But what truly catches my eye is the fear that stirs within her own eyes. Ogre's are ruthless, lawless, crude and unusually nasty beings. They care not for the lives of others.

Brainless fools.

But their strength and desire for violence makes them a creature you'd rather not have to deal with.

"We will rest before going any further. We should eat, and I'd like to practice with you for a bit before nightfall." I smirk, taking in Edens sudden change in demeanor at the mention of practicing her fighting skills. We don't have much time on our hands, if we weren't so close I'd take the time to teach her more.

"I'd love that." She smiles up at me, her beautiful blue eyes dancing with excitement.

"I'll set up the tents while you two have at it, once I'm finished one of you could take over cooking something." Damien announces.

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