Chapter One; The Butterfly Effect

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Auradon Prep, one of the most well known high schools through the fairy tale land

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Auradon Prep, one of the most well known high schools through the fairy tale land. It hosted the later generations of heroes and princess', where their children could learn and prosper like a freshly bloomed flower.

That was until Prince Ben, the Beast and Belle's son, summoned the VK kids from the Isle of the Lost. The four kids are as follows;

Jay, son of Jafar.

Carlos, son of Cruella de Vil.

Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen.

And last but certainly not least was Mal, daughter of the one and only wicked one, Maleficent.

When the four arrived they caused chaos to the school. They pulled pranks, bullied, and even went as far as to put a love spell on the prince that brought them here. All so they could steal Fairy Godmother's wand and set the Villains on the Isle free.

But over time, they realized that they too could be good. And that Mal had fallen in love with Ben truly, and luckily for her he loved her back even when the love spell wore off.

The rest is history basically.

Now it is the VK's second year at Aurodon, and so much has changed. The four group had been seen in a good view by other's, and the public eye had even accepted Mal as their princess, even potential queen.

But recently a recent development had occurred.

Mal was currently having an exponential crisis so to say. She daydreamed about what it would be like to be evil again, to wreck havoc all across the school. She thought purely wicked thoughts, thoughts that she couldn't share to anyone, except her spell-book, which also acted as her own personal diary.

But alas she couldn't keep her secrets to herself forever.

Mackenzie Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter, was an odd one. She was loud but self-reserved, and when people did try to talk to her she would always find a way to weird them out and send them running.

She knew it would be hard making friends, with her not only being the new girl in school and also from Wonderland, but also being the Mad Hatter's daughter!

It was not a pretty combo.

And she hadn't meant to snoop through Mal's diary. It was Mal's fault for carelessly leaving it outside under the giant oak, which just so happens to be Mackenzie's afternoon tea spot.

Or maybe Mal didn't mean to leave it? It could've fallen out of her bag by accident...

No matter the way, Mackenzie read it anyways. She read Mal's entries on how she felt like she didn't belong here even though she had been here for months, and how she felt isolated because her other friends were fitting in just fine.

Mackenzie felt pity for her, she really did. But it wasn't like she could reach out to her. If she did then Mal would know that she had read her journal, and that would not go over well. So after reading, she had discreetly slipped it back into Mal's bag when it was hanging over her chair in the pavilion.

But the Butterfly Effect works in mysterious ways, for if she hadn't had snooped into Mal's book then she would have never became friends with Carlos.

Carlos de Vil had noticed Mackenzie Hatter all alone more than often. She was in his Life Skills class, and whenever they did partner work, she would always wind up alone. She would always sit by herself during lunch and sometimes even caught her talking to herself.

So when he had saw her lingering near their table, that's when he had taken the chance and said "hello, I'm Carlos. Mackenzie right?"

And Mackenzie grinned a cheshire-like grin at him, revealing her tooth gap before saying, "Yes, please don't run."

"I wouldn't dream of it." The boy had replied. "I like your dress, do you make it yourself?"

"No, all I did was embroider flowers on the sleeves. I really fancy your head, would you let me hat it sometime?" She asked, pulling out a pink measuring tape out of her pocket, which made the boy chuckle.

"You carry that everywhere?" He asked, nodding at the object.

"Of course. As a Hatter, I must always be prepared."

"You got me there." She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"You didn't run away!"

"Well I told you I wouldn't." He said. "If I did that would be lying, and if I learned anything from Fairy Godmother's Goodness Class, it's that lying to your friend is wrong."

"Friend." She said, almost like she had never said the word before. "I like that word."

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