Chapter Seven; Motorcycle Theif

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Standing there, frozen in surprise, the pirate could only smirk as he gestured to himself

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Standing there, frozen in surprise, the pirate could only smirk as he gestured to himself. "The one and only." He snickered.

Brown eyes met blue eyes as realization fell upon her.

"Harry!" The girl exclaimed, a wide smile on her face at the sight of the boy she had been thinking about for, quite literally, for months.

"Mackenzie Hightopp." He said, bowing playfully. She laughed, moving closer to him.

"Surprised you remembered me."

"Surprised I remembered you?" He gasped, putting a hand on his chest like she had just stabbed him. "Now, my wee little darling, how could I ever forget about a girl with a mad mind that matches mine?" Mackenzie giggled, her cheeks turning a light pink color before.

When one of his goons had told him that Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were on the Isle, Harry Hook had to take this shot for pestering them. But then his plans changed when he saw Mackenzie Hightopp, his Mackenzie Hightopp, sitting on one of the bikes. Of course her back was turned, but he knew the girl he had been obsessing over for months when he saw her. And now that she was finally here, standing in front of him once again with that wide smile that he just adored, he wasn't sure if he could watch her leave again.

Snapping his fingers, his goons appeared out of no where, each getting on a bike. He smirked as he grabbed Jay's helmet, knowing it was his since it had his initials spray-painted on top, and put it on. He then grabbed the pink one, holding it out to the girl. "You wanna have some fun?" He asked, smirking devilishly at her. Before she could respond however, the metal doors opened. Harry saw this, noticing the VK's walk out. Quickly, he shoved the helmet on her head, sitting on the bike and dragging her behind him.

"Get off my bike Hook!" Jay yelled, running towards them.

"You'll have to catch me first Jay!" He called back, giggling in a crazy manner before he revved the bike, hitting the gas as the bike sped away, the other's following suite.

Mackenzie gasped slightly, wrapping her arms around Harry for some stability. Harry felt her do this action, bringing an unfamiliar warm feeling in his stomach as he just pushed the gas harder, making the bike go faster. "Having fun?" He yelled, looking behind Mackenzie. The girl nodded a bit, throwing her head back in laughter.

"Just keep your eyes on the road, buddy-boy!" She yelled through her laughter. He chuckled before moving his head to look at the road.

Down the trail they passed an alley-way. Sharply turning, he rode the bike into the alleyway before stopping it. Taking off his helmet, he hopped off before holding his hand out to Kenzie. "Well thank you." She said, smiling at him playfully as she took his hand. He smirked, pulling her up.

"Have you thought about me?" He whispered, chuckling softly as he heard the bikes engines in the distance.

"Honestly? Yeah, I have."

"Good, glad to know I'm on your mind 24/7." He teased, booping her nose. She shook her head before her brown eyes met his. "... What are you doing here Kenz?"

"I... I can't tell you the exact reason. Just, Auradon is in trouble. The daughter of Sleeping Beauty is causing absolute madness!"

"Not the good kind?"

"Far from the good kind I'm afraid."

"I see." He mused, moving some of her hair with his hook. "Well I'm glad your back. Now you can stay with me!" He cackled, holding his arms up in the air. Kenzie looked at him before looking away and shaking her head.

"You know good and well I can't do that."

The young pirate stared at her, slowly bringing his arms down. "But-"

"Omg hey Mackenzie!" Turning around, Mackenzie saw Gil standing at the end of the alley.

"Gil, I told you to wait for my signal!" Harry hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, well, Mal and her buddies are kinda leaving as we speak so..." Mackenzie jumped up, about to run off out of instinct before Harry grabbed her wrist.

"Don't think you're getting away from me that easy, not this time at least." He warned, flashing her his infamous shark-like grin as he carefully pulled her out of the alley. "C'mon Gil, let's get out of here!"

Sneaking up behind the VK's as the exited the barrier, Mackenzie could only catch a glimpse at the ember in Mal's hand before Harry was pulling her again.

Just when the magical gate was about to close, Harry pushed Mackenzie out before him and Gil jumped in right after.

Jumping back, the VK's stared as Harry and Gil looked back at the gate before looking at one another. "We did it bruh!" Gil cheered, the two embracing each other in a bro hug.

"Mackenzie!" Evie gasped, helping the girl to her feet. "Are you ok?" She asked, glaring at the two fools.

"Sorry Kenzie, love, didn't mean to hurt ya." Harry said, about to walk over until Jay stopped him.

"You stay right there Hook!"

"Oh come on guys! We're just coming for a wee visit!" Carlos pushed Harry back towards the Isle, Harry pushing Carlos back right after. Carlos stumbled, backing into Mal who dropped the ember because of it. Mal quickly went to pick it up, having ahold of it when Harry pushed her hand with his hook.

The teens gasped as the ember went straight to the water, about to fall in until a tentacle caught it. Smiling, Harry and Gil slapped each other's chest excitedly as a girl-like creature appeared from the water.


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