Chapter Fourteen; Goodbye

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Uma's crew started coming in from ropes and bridges

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Uma's crew started coming in from ropes and bridges. "Let's play pretty girl." She heard a guy say from behind her. Turning around quickly, Mackenzie swallowed the lump in her throat as she saw a pirate coming towards her with his sword in hand. Raising his sword, Mackenzie feigned innocence before she quickly countered his movement, kicking him as hard as she could. He landed over the bridge and into the water with a rather loud splash.

"Who gave the mad girl a sword?" A familiar voice said behind her. Smirking, she looked over her shoulder to see Harry staring at her in awe.

"People keep forgetting that just because I have a pretty face doesn't make me any less sane. Especially when you give me a weapon." She hummed. Harry chuckled, raising his own sword at her.

"Think you can handle me?" He challenged, raising a brow.

"Let's dance." She shot back before moving to strike at him, only for him to block her attack. She huffed, moving to strike again at him, only for him to jump out of the way, a grin plastered on his face as he laughed.

"You know, you almost fight as well as a man!" He taunted, slashing his sword at her. She blocked the action with her own, the sound of clashing metal hitting their ears.

"Funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you!" She shot back before pushing him away with all her might. He grunted, falling on his back. Mackenzie smirked, swinging the sword at him again. The pirate fortunately dodged it though, quickly rolling the opposite direction.

"So what's next love? Are you gonna stab me and then leave with your little boyfriend?" He snapped, quickly stand up as he did. By now, the two were standing in front of each other, both of their swords pointed at the other.

"Boyfriend? Since when did I have a boyfriend?" She asked, genuinely baffled at the accusation.

"Carlos." He hissed, saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, he was quick to grab you and take you away with him, now wasn't he?"

Mackenzie stared at him before chuckling, her chuckle soon turning into a full on head throwing laugh as she dropped her sword on the ground. "You think Carlos and I are a thing?!" She shrieked with laughter. "Oh, that's hilarious!"

"Are you two not a thing?" He asked, slowly lowering his sword. The laughing girl quickly shook her head, a wide smile plastered on her face.

"No, Carlos is just my friend! You silly pirate!" She giggled, stepping closer to him. "Don't tell me you were jealous, were you? That's honestly the hardest I've laughed in ages."

"And if I was?"

"Was what?"

"Jealous." Harry said, this time he was the one to take a step closer to him. "If I was jealous, don't you think I have that right?"

"You only just met me." She said, shaking her head as Harry took another step.

"Yes, but it feels like I've known you for years." He admitted, now being close enough for him to move some of her now blonde hair away from her face. "It feels like I know everything about you."

"You're obsessive." She chuckled, shaking her head once more.

"Only when it comes to you." He sighed, touching her cheek with his actual hand. She flinched at how warm it was compared to the metal hook he would always carry around, not used to the feeling. "You could stay here you know. With me."


"You could join Uma's crew and stay here with me, would that be the worst thing in the world?"

"No... no it wouldn't." She admitted, her brown eyes meeting his blue one's. "But..."


She turned her head, looking at her friends who were still battling it out currently. She felt a deep pit of regret at the thought of abandoning them, after everything Carlos had done for her. And after all the nice things Evie had said to her. It would be like just throwing a thoughtful birthday present into the bin. Then she thought of her father, and how if she stayed she wouldn't be able to talk or see him ever again. And how broken hearted that would make him..

Mackenzie sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before looking back at Harry. "What a brilliant, crazy idea Harry." She said carefully, not wanting to make him upset. "An awfully big adventure would it be to stay here. With you. But... but I can't. I just can't."

Harry sneered at her words, about to say something. But before he could, he felt someone rip his hook out of his hands. Turning around, he saw Jay holding the hook triumphantly. "Looking for this?" The boy asked tauntingly, the pirate teen glaring daggers at him as he slowly turned to face him. Jay chuckled before pitching it over the walk they were standing on.

"No!" Harry screamed, running to the ledge and looking over, just in time to watch his prized possession fall into the water. Without thinking, the pirate quickly jumped in after it, Mackenzie gasping.

"Harry!" She called after him, only to be grabbed by Jay.

"Come on! We have to go!" Mackenzie nodded slightly as Jay began tugging on her arm, her reluctantly following. As they ran towards the exit, she kept looking back, hoping to try and catch one more glimpse at Harry before she had to leave him forever.

When Jay and Mackenzie caught up with the group, they were loading the limo. Mal pushed Ben inside the car, no one noticing how she had dropped her spell book on the ground.

Everyone got inside, Jay quickly pressing the gas pedal when the gate appeared in front of them, on the way back to Auradon. Mackenzie sighed as she looked through the back window, watching as the Isle got smaller and smaller. And watching how Harry became farther and farther out of reach.

"Goodbye." She whispered before looking away, a deep frown on her face at the thought of her never seeing the pirate again.

Her pirate.

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