Chapter Nine; The Hook

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Arriving to where the VK's former hide out was, all Jay had to do was throw a rock at a yellow sign for the stairs to appear

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Arriving to where the VK's former hide out was, all Jay had to do was throw a rock at a yellow sign for the stairs to appear. Hesitantly, Ben went towards them before looking back at his friends.

"Wish me luck." He said before climbing up the stairs.

Mackenzie huffed as she sat on a bucket, twiddling with her thumbs. "I hope everything goes well." She said as Carlos sat next to her.

"Me and you both."

Minutes went by before a set of feet could be heard stomping down the stairs. The group immediately stood up from their spots, hoping to see Mal with Ben, only to see just Ben.

"Where's Mal?" Evie asked, confusion laced in her voice.

"She's not coming back." Ben said, looking at the run he was holding before shaking his head in disappointment and frustration. Kenzie frowned, watching as Ben just continued to walk.

"Mal, it's Evie." Evie tried, speaking into the intercom. "Can we talk?"

"Go away!" Mal said from the other side before discontinuing the call. Evie sighed, shaking her head.

"Guys!" Carlos exclaimed, capturing the group's attention. "Where's Ben?"

The five immediately looked around, noticing that Ben had disappeared. "Ben?" Evie questioned before looking the way he walked, noticing a male figure walking towards them. "Ben! Don't scare us like that?"

"Don't scare you?" An unfamiliar voice taunted, chuckling darkly. "That's my specialty!"

"Harry." Jay seethed, glaring at the man. The three VK's stared at the boy with distaste, glaring at him. Mackenzie, on the opposite hand, was just staring at him with nothing but pure surprise and slight curiosity.

"That's my name, do not wear it out!" Harry said, winking at Evie before looking at Carlos. "Still the runt I see."

"What did you do with Ben?" Carlos asked, stepping forward.

"Oh!" Harry said, pointing towards the way Ben walked off. "We nicked him, poor bloke didn't even see it coming." He said innocently before turning his head, his light blue eyes meeting the dark almond color of Mackenzie's. "My my, don't believe I recognize you lassie! What's your name, my little duckling?" He asked, reaching out to move her hair with his hook, only to be smacked away by Carlos.

"It's none of your business!"

"Was I talking to you, runt?" Harry seethed, spitting at Carlos' feet. The two teens glared at one another for what seemed like an eternity before Harry started cackling wildly. "By the way, if you ever want to see your precious King again, have Mal come to the chip shop..." he trailed off, looking at them all.

He knew that he was supposed to order Mal to come alone, but he just couldn't help himself when looking at the split-colored las in front of him.

"... with you." He said, pointing to Mackenzie with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Me?" Kenzie choked, making Harry chuckle
in excitement before slowly backing away.

"Yes, Uma wants to have a little chat." He said, looking at Jay. "Aww, Jay, lost your touch?" He taunted the broader boy, Jay glaring at him. "Well, it wasn't a pleasure seeing you three again, and I'll be seeing more of your ravishing friend later." He said before disappearing into the alley-way, whistling a sea-shanty. Jay went to follow him, only to be stopped by Evie.

"Jay!" She reprimanded, giving him a stern look before the four headed inside the hide out.

On his way to the Fish and Chip's shop, Harry couldn't help but look back a couple of times even when he was far away from the group, hoping to get one more glance at the lass that has drawn his attention.

Entering the eatery, he laughed as he sat in a stool next to Gil. "Good job on alerting us mate, surprised you can do something right for once in your bloody life!" He teased, a sick grin on his face. Gil just took the compliment though, not noticing the underlying meaning of Harry's comment.

"Aww, thanks bud." Gil said, smiling bashfully. Harry scoffed a bit, tapping his fingers on the wooden bar. "Hey, I don't suppose you saw the girl did you?"

"There was more than one girl, you idiot." Harry hissed.

"The one with blue hair!" The dumber of the two said, a tone of "obviously". Harry gritted his teeth, stabbing his Father's hook into the wooden bar.

"Both girls had blue hair you nitwit!"

"The one that wasn't Evie!"

"Oh, that one." Harry chuckled. "Yes, I've seen her. What of it?"

"She's awfully pretty, do you think I have a chance with her?"

"Considering that she's on our enemies side, I doubt it!" Harry chuckled. "And besides, I've already called dibs."

"What? You can't call 'dibs' on a girl!"

"Well I just did!"

"Just did what?" A deep feminine voice said. The two looked over, seeing their Captain Uma, daughter of Ursula, standing behind them.

"Harry called dibs on a girl!" Gil tattled, Harry grabbing his hook after he said that and was about to stab him until Uma put her hand up.

"Harry, that's enough!" She snapped before looking at Gil. "And what girl?"

"Oh she's really pretty Uma! She has split-hair, one side dark blue and the other black! And she has these black eyes too that just screams crazy!" Gil chuckled, a dumb smile on his face.

"Brown you idiot!" Harry grumbled, hitting the boy upside the head. "Her eyes were brown."

"Oh, my bad." Gil shrugged.

"So she's caught enough of your attention for you to notice what color her eyes are, huh?" Uma said, smirking at her first mate's attitude. Harry just scoffed, crossing his arms a bit.

"She was also hanging around the King too!" Gil added. "I've never seen her, she must be from Auradon also!"

"I see." Uma mused. "Well why didn't we grab her too?" She asked, her tone becoming harsher at the end.

"If it helps Uma," Harry admitted, "I invited her to come along with Mal as well."

"Lovely!" She cackled. "Just think, two Auradonians under our capture!"

Harry chuckled along with Uma, stealing Gil's drink and downing the rest of it.

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